Friday, January 30, 2009

Put Ur Hands Up for T.O...

Our Lovely City! (8) dunananana chhh lol
(I know you know what I'm talkin about :P)

I was pretty much indoors all day today. The lectures, the labs, the tutorials.. *sigh.. On top of that, it gets a little monotone taking the same routes.. following the same schedules.

So I got a little inspired by my friend today who told me he wanted to discover the P.A.T.H. a little more. He obviously lives in T.O but never got a chance to really explore our "underground city''. So I thought to myself.. "Hey! why don't I go explore T.O too". So I did.. in my own nerdy kinda way lol. Here's what's been up and about the block:

The Protest at Dundas Square- A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words:
"Canada- Help Us":

My second hot topic worth mention is this little observation I took about the TTC subway line. There was heavy duty traffic at the Yonge/Bloor station at the exit from the North Subway platform onto the Bloor Danforth (East/West) line. Although there are two exits onto the Bloor line from the North level.. they are just tooo close together! Major turmoil was caused cuz one of the escalators (going down) was being repaired. Funny, because the other escalator was fine BUT going in the opposite direction. It took 4 and a half minutes to clear that exit.. which is considerably long b/c the next train with even more impatient commuters was approaching.

In comparison, I checked out St. George station (cuz that just happened to be where I was getting off lol) and was surprised about the easy flow of traffic (less than 1 minute to clear traffic WTF). The following are comparisons of what happens right after the trains leave:

St. George:

While on the bus there was heavy traffic from Christie to Lansdowne *sigh.. cuz at Lansdowne the street didn't have separate right and left turning lanes. So ppl were turning left and right simultaneously... thus, holding up traffic behind them who wanted to go straight. So aneways, I come to my third hot topic, b/c while in traffic the bus just happened to stop infront of the Christie/Dupont Loblaws.. which has been infested with rats/mice recently. They had to clear the whole store.. yikes! they had mice runnin around and breeding in the fast food area!

Lovely- barely recognizable:
My fourth hot topic: GREEEENN is GOODD! not only is this my favourite colour (lol) but the idea of conservation of light/energy/recycling is growing on the public (and government) more and more. Yipee!
New ads by Mr. Suzuki:
The Best for Last: Oh man.. plz I need a picture with this man (who wants to join me?). He has become the highlight of my career at Ryerson:

I think he was feeling a little shy for the camera :$ I can't believe I got him on here. lol.

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