Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Love in the Time of Cholera

I got this book for Christmas and read it right away!
I'm a sucker for romance novels lol.

Anewho.. I really enjoyed this novel because it's plot is as simple as everyday life. It's simplicity is what makes it so powerful. The story is about an adventurous young man who falls in love with a girl who is from a family that depends on her growing into a successful, rich, lady. So in short, her father doesn't aprove of the young man's love letters> and he does not aprove of him courting his daughter. So the father of the girl takes her away for several years for her to realize that she deserves much better than that small town boy. Surely, the girl forgets about Florentino.. marries a doctor and has a happy life (I should mention the 2 kids as well). Now, because Florentino is a romantic.. he vows that he will wait for the girl even if it takes his whole life, for he knows that they will be together. In the meantime he has many (as much as 600) love affairs with women of all colours, shapes, and sizes lol. Almost 60 years later, the doctor of whom the young girl married, died. Florentino at once went to her and confessed his love. However, it took her another two years and 20 letters later to admit she always had feelings for Florentino. The novel ends with the elderly couple, happy, and at last enjoying a cruise in South America.

The movie is perfect. Captures all the important pieces of the novel.


1 comment:

Princess said...

OMGGGGG!! I WANTED TO SEE THAT MOVIE SOO BAD..I'll buy it..haha...And that movie..Australia I think, with Nicole Kidman...have to haveto see it. I saw Grumpy Old Men today too...wow. So amazing how the movie drew me in...I didn't want to seat down until after about 2 minutes of standing, I was laying on my side...my eyes never closing...until that stinging feeling of course lol