Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It's the Budget's Fault!

If you woke up to this, this morning:

and if your car just happened to look like this, this morning:

Then, well.. you must be Canadian AND you must be pretty pissed.
Before January 27th heavy snow meant fast measures to clean the city up. Before January 27th 5 cm's of snow and you'd have 3 huge yellow machines- yes, with the little blue lights flashing- clearing the streets. But.. as today is the 28th of January, things have drastically changed. Only one day after the federal budget change and BAM! an overnight fright train to disaster! lol.

Yea.. you're right, I'm taking this out of proportion..haha fun though isn't it? Although, I did have difficulty trailing to school today and I am surprised of the budget this year.. I doubt it had anything to do with this heavy snowfall (*sigh its so easy to blame the government).

I think more funding should have been directed towards post secondary education and going green! Sure 1billion$ for green research is larger than last year.. but Mister, we're in the recession and in some difficult red-blue times> 1 billion is gunna go fast!

I don't know, I hear Jack Layton critisizing the budget, I hear the QB critisizing it.. I wonder what Ignatieff has to say. He can make or break this government with his decision! and just to add, I think Layton is a bit of an ass to out Ignatieff like that in public. He literally told him to vote against the Conservative proposition cuz he's a Liberal.. is that what Liberals do? I'm very disappointed in politics! Just lean towards the truth people.. not colourful slogans and power! (If only it were that simple, eh?)
** UPDATE: thank goodness Ignatieff liked the budget. There is now peace in the land of Parliamentaries lol! No Coalition! woohoo

Anewho, here's someone who doesn't give 2 shits about politics.. and who had a bit of trouble finding the fire hydrant today (lol).

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