Friday, January 9, 2009

The Bird and The Bee Vs. Metric

Sometimes this is how I feel...
super slow moving, super relaxed, and carefree. Just floating around and being semi-conscious of what's going on around me; my mind in some other place, my body carrying out functions automatically because they have to.
I just listened to The Bird and the Bee and most of their songs express exactly this feeling of loafting around. The singer's voice is similar to that of Emily Haines from Metric, our fellow Torontonian rock band. Have a listen to both:

Metric, Love is a Place

The Bird and The Bee, La La La

Personally, I think Metric is more classic and deep. However, the Bird and the Bee are groovy (psychadelic lol).. don't they give off a 60's vibe?

1 comment:

Princess said...

I could see myself walking into a store and just without being aware, start moving to the song. Her voice is like an out of the ordinary kind...or maybe it's just me..:=(