Tuesday, December 29, 2009


My bf bought this game, a steering wheel, and an xbox for my dad this Christmas
and I must say it is amazing! and of course he is amazing too for doing such!

I have been playing everyday since the gift was opened and I can not get enough. My dad doesn't want to admit that I'm a little better than he is.. and I know he secretly practices at night when I'm asleep lol! I only wish I could be doing this for real, not infront of a tv =(

The Black Stalion

His hooves pound the beat, your heart sings the song

-Jerry Shulman

Cold Desert

I'm on the corner waiting for a light to come on
that's when i know that you're alone
it's cold in the desert water never sees the ground
special ones walk on without sound

told me you love me, that i'd never die alone
hand over your heart let's go on
everyone knowed it everyone has seen the signs
i've always been known to cross lines

i never ever cried when i was feeling down
ive always been scared of the sound
jesus don't love me no-one ever carried my load
im too young to feel this old

nobody knows
nobody sees
nobody but me

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I Have a Dream

I have a dream..
that my four little children will one day live in a Nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character.

Martin Luther King Jr, 1963

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Shakira- Did It Again

In love with the choreography to this video..

It may seem to you that I am in a place
Where I'm losing the direction of my life
But I'm sure that this is nothing but a phase
Right back at ya cuz I'll survive!

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Above: Ixtapaluca, Mexico

From Kurt Vonnegut:

"If flying saucer creatures or angels or whatever were to come here in a hundred years, say, and find us gone like the dinosaurs, what might be a good message for humanity to leave for them, maybe carved in great big letters on a Grand Canyon wall?

We probably could have saved ourselves, but were too damned lazy to try very hard... and too damned cheap".

An African Proverb:

"If you want to go quickly, go alone; if you want to go far, go together".. we need to go far and quick!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


2012 meets Noah's Arc.

Liked the film =) it's deeper than just the awesome tsunami and volcanic reactions lol.

A suggested watch =)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Haunted Tale of the Runnymede Theatre

Historic Chapters at Runnymede Theatre in Toronto

The Runnymede Theatre, located at Bloor and Runnymede was built in 1927 as a vaudeville theatre (vaudeville- theatrical genre: musicians, actors, circus acts, live animals, freak shows, magicians). It was the first of its kind in Toronto. The theatre seated 1400 guests and was ment to give the audience an exotic experience. The ceiling was painted blue with overhanging white clouds, airplanes, and stars. The walls were lined with murals giving the effect of sitting in a courtyard. It was during this time, the theatre's 'hey- day', that tragedy hit. It is rumoured that a young girl was intentially murdered on the stage of the theatre. The cause of death was a sandbag that was dropped from the ceiling of the stage causing her instant death. It is also rumoured that her body was kept in the basement a little after the tragedy occurred. None of this has been proven to be true. There are no records indicating the death of anybody at the theatre. However, there have been sightings and there have been sounds of a little girl around the stage and basement of the building. Most of these unexplainable things occur during the night and early morning hours. I just looked up on the net of "stories" from previous workers who have worked at the location before it was a Chapters, when it was a Famous Players theatre.

One of the famous player ppl claims to have felt movement, felt a change in temperature in the basement. however I'm more familiar with the Chapters storied. One of the workers claims to have been pushed when stackin books on the shelves. A manager claims he heard a little girl crying from the corner of the stage and to have seen a fague figure stretching out its arms in the distance while he was working in the basement. Customers claim they have seen books falling off the book shelves (but to their benefit, helping them find the books they couldn't on their own).

My encounter was today. I never worked around the stage before so I never understood what the big fuss was about. The whole store is so pleasant and it is so warm and inviting. But when you're on that stage alone, the whole store is facing and watching you. The stage is cold, very long and very poorly lit. Occassionally the lights flicker. When I was shelving the books on the stage (I was there half of my shift, from 5am to 7:30am), a coworker decided to come visit me. We were in mid conversation when we heard a high pitched female laugh. It wasn't a giggle. It was a "ha-ha" and it seemed like it was very close to us. We stopped talking and she asked me if I heard it.. to which I answered yes. We were the only ones in the stage/fiction area. After analyzing the other sounds of coworkers who were scattered around the store, we couldn't find anything that matched what we heard. The other sounds had echos, were mummbles. What we heard did not. We dismissed the idea of a ghost because we came to the conclusion that our manager has the same laugh and she must have been laughing loudly. After that it was difficult to work on that stage. the ceiling is so high and I just imagined where the sandbags must have been lol. You also can't help feeling that someone is looking through the gaps between the bookshelves opposite of you. Very. Eeery.

Aneways, after the shift ended I asked the cashiers where the manager was because I had to pick up my shift. They said she wasn't in today...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I Miss you Blogger <3

But work, work, work keeps me occupied so!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Poodles <33

I loove Standard Poodles!

They are so smart and gentle =)

Cancer on Nature

Our environmental problems originate in the hubris of imagining ourselves as the central nervous system or the brain of nature. We're not the brain, we are a cancer on nature. ~Dave Foreman, Harper's, April 1990

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

"Cathy, oh my hearts darling.. Cathy, come back to me!"

I have just completed reading Wuthering Heights and after some frustration, misunderstanding, and some time spent on 'dictionary.com', I am very satisfied with this book. I've never read about love so passionate, delusional, and full of envy and revenge.

Let me just say that the first three chapters are not worth the time. I spent soo much time deciphering them that now I think it would be wise to ommit them altogether and start from the real story, chapter 4.

Chapters 1-3 in a nutshell describe the characters in the book (the names are confusing and the use of the same name for different characters doesn't help). What made these chapters confusing was the use of old english and travelling back and forth through time. In these chapters, a man named Mr. Lockley takes up residence in Thrushgrove Grange, a house owned by Heathcliff, who resides in Wuthering Heights. Lockley visits Heathcliff one night in winter and he discovers that Heathcliff is very nasty, greedy, selfish, and a little delusional. Lockley also meets a boy named Hareton, a girl named Cathy Linton, housekeeper Zillah, and servant Joseph.
they are very mean and sad people- with no manners. Because of the storm outside, Lockwood asks permission to stay the night at Wuthering Heights.. when he does, he discovers a room full of possessions from a Catherine Earnshaw, whom ghost he clamis to have seen. After the night is over, he goes back hom to Thrushgrove Grange, where he persuades his housekeeper, Nelly Dean, to tell the story of Heathcliff and the people in that house.

The story (going back 40 years in time) in simple english goes like this:
Heathcliff, a gypsy orphan has been taken in by Mr. Earnshaw who lives at Wuthering Heights. Mr. Earnshaw has two children, Hindley Earnshaw and Catherine Earnshaw. Hindley is always mean to Heathcliff, beats him up and treats himm like crap. Catherine Earnshaw treats Heathcliff fairly and as the two grow up together in the meadows of the English country, they form a strong bond.

Mr. Earnshaw passes away, Hindley marries, and takes over the household. He is mean to Heathcliff and abuses him. He forbids his sister Catherine to play with Heathcliff so they frequently play away from the house in the meadows, without his knowledge. For this horrible life, Emily Bronte does some foreshadowing: Heathcliff is caught saying that he will have revenge on Hindley, no matter how long it takes.

One day Catherine and Heathcliff decide to explore Thrushgrove Grange, one of the neighbouring houses. Catherine, a wild spirit, gets hurt, and when the owners of the house, the Lintons, discover her, they take her in and take care of her. Heathcliff was declined an offer to stay at the Linton;s because they think he is a servant (The Linton;s have two children, Isabella Linton and Edgar Linton). So Heathcliff goes home and Catherine stays at the Linton's for a few months. She returns home a new, sophisticated lady- well- dressed and well- worded. She spends more time with the Linton children than with Heathcliff (although she loves Heathcliff, she is a little embrassed of him).

Edgar Linton proposes to Catherine. Catherine accepts. Heathcliff overhears Catherine tell Nelly Dean (the housekeeper telling the story) that she loves Heathcliff but he has no money, no property or wealth and can;t give her what she wants. Heathcliff runs away. Three years later Heathcliff comes back wealthy. As vengeance he fools the now dying hindley earnshaw to pass over wuthering Heights to him. He also attains guardianship of hindley's son.. who is a toddler.. and in the long run Heathcliff lets the boy run wild, neglects his education, and the boy loses the rights to his own property and is dumb as a piece of wood. His name is Hareton Earnshaw.

Next, Catherine and Heathcliff often visit eachother.. she admits she loves Heathcliff. Heathcliff tells her to run away.. but she loves Edgar Linton too.. so she can't. Heathcliff decides to woe Edgar's sister, Isabella Linton. She falls in love with Heathcliff and against Edgar Linton's orders, she marries Heathcliff. Heathcliff only used Isabella to torment both Catherine and Edgar.. and treats her like crap at Wuthering Heights.
Heathcliff and Catherine continue to see eachother behind Edgar Linton's for a long time.. until Edgar finds out and tells her to choose Heathcliff or himself. Catherine falls deeply ill, does not make a decision, and because she is pregnant.. gives birth to a daughter and dies.

Isabella Linton runs away from Heathcliff.. lives in the South with her and Heathcliff's son. Time passes.. Cathy Linton 9the daughter of Edgar and Catherine) grows into a charming young lady. Isabella Linton dies.. and begs her brother Edgar to take care of her son Linton Heathcliff (LOL @ with the names.. grrrr). BUT Heathcliff hears of this and takes Linton away. Cathy doesn't understand what happened.. she also doesn;t know anything about her mother or Heathcliff..until one day she finds out... In short, Heathcliff forms a new plan.. to marry cathy and her cousin Linton. The two do love eachother (because they have been sending letters and Cathy has been visiting him at Wuthering Heights without her father's knowledge). Linton falls sick and is very weak. Edgar Linton is also in a frail state and he is dying. Edgar then finds out about Cathy visintg Linton and bans her from any communication. But one day she runs away to Wuthering Heights.. and is surprisingly kept there against her will by Heathcliff who forces her to marry Linton. She wants to get home and inform her father about her whereabouts but Heathcliff beats her and forces her to marry his son. She does and she goes home to her dying father. A few weeks pass and Linton, her husband dies as well. Now, Heathcliff is the owner of both Thrushgrove Range and Wuthering Heights.. his revenge is complete. Catherine is also forced to stay at Wuthering Heights.

Back to the present. Catherine falls in love with her other cousin, Hareton (the uneducated boy). She educates him. When Heathcliff learns of this new love he is about to scorn Cathy.. but then suffers a mental breakdown and begins to see Catherine's ghost. that night he dies, with the window open, rain coming in from the outside, a smile on his face, and his hand stretched out towards the window.
It is believed he is reaching for the hand of Catherine, his love, who has tormented him all these years.. and he is happy to finally have found peace with her.
he is burried next to Catherine. Catherine's husband, Edgar is buried across of her.
Lockwood then visits the graveyard and notes how peaceful they look.

The end.

The movie filmed in 1939 is a very close encounter of the book. The 1992 version isn;t very good, and I found was more confusing.

What's in a Shot?

Do what you please with this quote:

"By 1853, Parliament began passing laws to make the untested vaccine compulsory throughout the British Empire. Other countries of Europe followed suit. Once the economic implications of compulsory vaccinations were realized, few dared to disagree. Then, as now, the media were controlled by the vaccine manufacturers and the government, who stood to make huge money from the sale of these spurious vaccines."... Tim O'Shea, D.C.

I highly advise a quick glance at the following website: http://www.russellblaylockmd.com/
click under Swine Flu Data.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Anthems Intertwined

Heroes of the sea, noble people,
Brave and immortal nation, Arise today once more
The splendor of Portugal! Amidst the mists of memory,
Oh Fatherland, hear the voice Of your noble forefathers,
That shall lead you to victory!
Poland has not died yet, So long as we still live
That which alien force has seized, We at sabrepoint shall retrieve
March, march, Dabrowski, To Poland from Italy
Under thy command, Let us now rejoin the nation
Like Czarniecki to Poznan, Returned across the sea
To free our fatherland from chains, Fighting with the Swede
To arms, to arms! Over the land, over the sea,
To arms, to arms!To fight for our Fatherland!
Against the cannons, march, march!
Cross the Vistula and Warta, And Poles we shall be
We've been shown by Bonaparte, Ways to victory
Germans, Muscovites will not rest when, backsword in hand
"Concord" will be our watchword, And ours will be the Fatherland

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Cure is More Dangerous than the Disease

H1N1 .. questions?

"The cure is more dangerous than the disease", says President of the non-proft Vaccine Information Centre in the USA, Barbara Loe Fisher.

The following is from an article by Dr. Mercola (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/07/04/Warning-Swine-Flu-Vaccine-Coming-Soon.aspx)
School Children May Face Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccinations
I was hoping mandatory vaccinations would not happen, but it now appears as though that's exactly what we might be facing in the near future.
In the video above, Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) warns that there is a campaign underway to turn schools into virtual vaccination clinics, and children will be the first to be injected with experimental swine flu vaccines.
Part of the reasoning for this is that it appears people over the age of 50 have more cross-reacting antibodies against the current swine flu virus, whereas children who have never been exposed to any of the strains before are more vulnerable.
The Post Gazette recently reported experts saying, "if the new H1N1 flu comes back in force this fall, it might be better to vaccinate children first," because "in the early stages of the epidemic this spring, the new flu strain has caused "explosive outbreaks" among schoolchildren who have no immunity to it."
Again, it's troubling to see health officials using the term "explosive outbreaks" for a flu that in the vast majority of cases has been reported to be very mild.
Making matters worse, they want to target children who have underlying health problems, i.e. the most vulnerable of the group, which means any potential problems with this untested vaccine will have the capacity to do maximum damage.

Why are We Putting Up With the Same Mistakes Again?
The current evolution of public health decisions has disturbing similarities to previous swine flu vaccine catastrophes'. The last swine flu threat emerged in 1976, right before I entered medical school and I remember it very clearly. It resulted in the massive swine flu vaccine campaign.
However, within a few months, claims totaling $1.3 billion had been filed by victims who had suffered paralysis from the experimental vaccine. Several hundred people developed crippling Guillain-Barré Syndrome after their injections. Even healthy 20-year-olds ended up as paraplegics. The vaccine was also blamed for 25 deaths.
Meanwhile, the deadly swine flu pandemic itself NEVER materialized…
When a vaccine is developed in a mere 13 weeks, you can be virtually assured that it has NOT had the time to be tested in clinical trials to determine safety and effectiveness.
The way I see it, we now stand poised to experience a repeat of the last dangerous swine flu vaccine, which destroyed the lives of hundreds of healthy young boys and girls.
The real kicker, of course, is the fact that if the new vaccine turns out to be a killer, the pharmaceutical companies responsible have immunity from any lawsuits -- something I've also warned about before on numerous occasions.
Absolutely no one stands to be liable if this vaccine turns out to be a health

So far, the swine flu has claimed a mere 332 lives WORLDWIDE (as of July 1), 116 of the deaths occurred in Mexico.
To keep this in perspective, the
regular flu (not the swine flu) has allegedly killed 13,000 in the U.S. since January, although there is strong support that these types of figures are grossly exaggerated to increase vaccine sales. However, the fact remains that the regular flu at this point in time is FAR more dangerous than the swine flu, and were you worried about the regular flu before the media started hyping up this exotic new "killer flu"?

Another article to read is by Dr. Zona Rona: http://www.vitalitymagazine.com/oct09_pg32feat
It provides other useful links about the H1N1 flu

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

After reading the book I decided to watch the movie.
The following is the trailer:

It still leaves me speechless..
The book itself isn't very long and it is written through the eyes of an 8yr old.. there is a minimal difference btwn book and movie and both broke my heart. I recommend reading the book and watching the movie because the book expresses little things that are quite relevant to the degree innocense and ignorance of these children (for example the use of words such as 'Out-With' instead of Auschwitz, 'The Fury' instead of the Fuhrer).

(Oh and it isn't based on a true story.. but that's irrelevant)

Night- Elie Wiesel

An autobiography... a true story of a fifteen year old boy's experience in Aushwitz.

"Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed.
Never shall I forget that smoke.
Never shall I forget the small faces of the children whose bodies I saw transformed into smoke under a silent sky.
Never shall I forget those flames that consumed my faith forever.
Never shall I forget the nocturnal silence that deprived me for all eternity of the desire to live.
Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams into ashes.
Never shall I forget those things, even were I condemned to live as long as God himself.
Never", p 34.

"What are you, my God? I thought angrily. How do you compare to this stricken mass gathered to affirm to you their faith, their anger, their defiance? What does Your grandeur mean, Master of the universe, in the face of all this cowardice, this decay, and this misery? Why do you go troubling this poor people's wounded minds, their ailing bodies?", p 66 .

"I no longer pleaded for anything. I was no longer able to lament. On the contrary, I felt very strong. I was the accuser, God the accused. My eyes had opened and I was alone, terribly alone in a world without God, without man. Without love or mercy. I was nothing but ashes now, but I felt myself to be stronger than this Almighty to whom my life had been bound for so long. in the midst of these men assembled for prayer, I felt like an observer, a stranger". xx

Autumn Glory

The pavement flashing in fall colour; all the leaves under my feet.
How suddenly the dark grey turned into hues of gold, yellow, and orange.
My eyes trying to outline every leaf on the golden blanket I walked on.
Never before was I awake to encapture this sight, autumn in its full glory.
As of today I decided this is my favourite season of the year.. lest it stay this warm and its colour never fade!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Convocation 2009

This is a Video of the Fall 2009 Convocation =)
My convocation was held on Thursday October 22 at 9:30 am.

I very much liked being amidst my fellow peers and graduates! The ceremony itself was amusing and had a very family-like atmosphere, which I felt very comfortable in.

The faculty speaker was introduced by one of our professors as a person with "little experience, little fame, but with great advice".. and the best advice she gave us all was "Marry Rich!".. lol! At this we all got a good crack =)

Aneways, the Bachelor of Science in Biology diplomas are awarded at the time "1:17" into the video. I am the second one going up.. ahaha.. I laugh at myself watching this =P

My dad started the whole "name- yelling" thing at the ceremony lol.. oh man! I was laughing on stage when I heard my name.

Mr. G. Raymond Chang and I

Congrats to all!!!!!!!!!!!
There are times when there is a friend in need..
a time when a friend needs an attentive listener and a helping hand.

I don't want to give up and I don't want to neglect you..
but sometimes what truly breaks my heart is knowing that you are suffering while I am occupied with my everyday rituals with very limited time to be there for you.

I hate that and I am sorry.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Frankie Hunny, You're Too Good For Me


What a lovely Monday afternoon.. and I spent most of it fooling around with recording a couple of snips from the song "Night and Day". It wasn't easy! and in this version I came up with my own lyrics after the youtube page with lyrics escaped me haha. I like it the best :P

Sunday, October 18, 2009

What You Say

Can't get this outta my heaadd.. Wha- wha - wha.. What did she sayyy?

Saturday, October 17, 2009


I need some better recording devices... =(

I've been meaning to put up my videos on piano lol.
But I've failed technologically. * I'm Sad


Heard this song to the Burberry Fall Collection at the Milan Fashion Week. Stunning.

I like it in the city when two worlds collide
You get the ppl n the government
Everybody taking different sides
Shows that we aint gunna stand shit
Shows that we are united

Love her sound, love her look: a real, down to earth girl!
She hasn't been popularized yet and I hope she doesn't turn Lady Gaga.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Water- St. Thomas, Nevada

By doing some extra research on a book that I am currently reading, I stummbled upon the term "ghost town". The town of St. Thomas is one of the many ghost towns in the state of Nevada. It was abandoned by all its residents due to the formation of Lake Mead, a reservoir that flooded the whole town upon the completion of the Hoover Dam in 1938. The town was under 100 ft of water for sixty years. However, in the past decade it begun exposing itself once more due to the receding water levels of the Lake. This is amazing in terms of both history and science (The combination of those two fields sparks an automatic interest in me). Barely anything of the town remains and it truly is astonishing comparing maps and pictures of what was there before and what lies there now. I can rammble on and on about my thoughts about this.. admiring how man can create something as large as a lake, use it to his advantage then be left with nothing. In the end nature wins. This creates a discussion for another topic: climate change! Decreasing amounts of freshwater, decreasing populations of fish.. where does Canada stand.. and should Canada be allowed to "sell or exploit" fresh water to less fortunate nations who lack this valuable resource? That's a topic for another day haha.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

How To Be

"I'm going through some kind of quarter life crisis". Omg I nearly fell off my chair when I heard that.

The movie follows the everyday life of Arthur, who is at an unhappy moment in his life and is searching for his place in the world. Art has a degree in music, has two loyal friends, volunteers at a community centre, and just got dumped by his girl. His parents don't show him affection and he begins to blame all his problems on them. He decides to write to a Canadian author of a book titled "It's Not Your Fault", of which the author decides to help Art with his problems by living his life with him. In the end, the author does not help and Art slowly and very timidly gets his life back on track by himself.

I liked the film because of its indie feel. It is very realistic and Rob's acting is quite good. However, the trailer is more exciting than the film itself.. and if its excitement you're after, then I do not reccommend this film. There were some parts in it that I found hillarious.. mainly Art's inability to make the most of certain situations.. for example, with girls. His friend is teasing a girl and says, "this is really turning me on", and proceeds to laugh. Art on the other hand holds his drink stifly and with a proper english accent says "Yes, I have an erection".. haha! 2 Funny. Put simply Art is a delicate, lost, and ignorant soul.. he is so timid and innocent. I also love how he gives himself props infront of the mirror in the trailer.. haha.

For full movie:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ghost Rider (under construction)

I look at my hands.

Fingerless leather gloves, a delicate gold ring on my ring finger, nails painted cherry red.

These are the things I see and the only things I see directly infront of me that are directing where I am and where I am about to go. I focus on how ghetto my hands look. "You're such a bad ass", I say to myself amused. But I suppose this is the feeling I've been longing for, to run that very thin line of being controlled and being completely out of control.

My fingers, holding tightly to the black leather of the steering wheel, define a simple truth that highlights the intensity of the moment. This touch connects us, man and machine, and controls our co-dependence. I press my forehead against the wheel and listen to the gentle vibration of the car. I feel the turns of your engine. You feel the heavy pulsing of my heart.

My attention briefly switches to the road. The fog makes me uncertain of how much of it I really see. Of course it would have helped having the headlights on but that's something I would have done yesterday. Not tonight. Tonight, is my escape. An escape from a ritual which is my perfectly planned life.

So I wait.
In this darkness I forget what it is I am looking for. I forget from whom I am running or is it whom I am chasing? I wait for that single undefinable moment that releases my anguish and separates my thoughts from my mind.

A car speeds by.

I feel a spark inside of me.
(A spark? How slow motion that sounds!)
In a split second, NO! in a split quarter of a second there is lightning inside of me. A feeling so fast that it fails to be classified as anything humanly possible. No thinking, for thinking takes too long. No analyzing, for there isn't time to relinquish a single thought. Only acting and releasing that passive agressive.

The decision now belongs to my right foot, how hard it presses down and for how long.
I slam the acceleration and curve out of the sleeve where I was parked, lights turned off.

Sixty, seventy.. eighty kilometres an hour.

I swurve past a truck full of cattle (Mooo! lol).
"This one is impeccably fast", I think to myself. I chase the red car as if I were chasing my destiny, in full view but far from reach. He must be aware of my intensions by now. Why else would he still be accelerating, tempting me? Or maybe he doesn't see me at all and he's running from his own ghosts.

A red light coming up. Perfect. By now I am on his tale. I decide to stop to the left of him. A rusty little car he has. It had some work done though. Souped up with a spoiler, a lowered frame... neon lights? Were those necessary?

"Hey Ghost Rider!", I hear through my window. Ghost rider? "Nice", I say to myself. How appropriately cheesy that sounds. I let down my guard and slide my window open. "Nice car you got there", he says. "Can't say the same about you", I muffle under my breath. I proceed to smile at him and reply, "I like yours too, vintage?". He laughs, "Not as good as yours but it does wonders! Just wait and see", he turns his lights off and throws in a VROOM.

I roll my eyes. Unless he has some nitrous oxide under that hood, he doesn't stand a chance. I accept the challenge, and VROOM back.

Green light.
In an instant my heart feels weightless. I lose the red car instantly. But really, what do I care where he is. I am weightless and I am finally free.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I believe

I believe in pink.
I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner.
I believe in kissing, kissing a lot!
I believe in being strong,
when everything seems to be going wrong.
I believe that happy girls..
are the prettiest girls.
I believe that tomorrow is another day,
and I believe in miracles.

-Audrey Hepburn

I believe in everything this woman stood for ..living a happy life =) ..but pink? I don't know. I believe in green =D

Finally a Reed Diffuser!

I am obsessed with Winners and Kitchen Stuff Plus nowadays lol.

I bought meself some orange EMU boots on sale for 50$ last week.. and this week I added another jacket to my jacket collection =D

I got a hold of this beige, almost Burberry, trench coat that falls slightly above the knees. Sooo in love with it right now!

And at Kitchen Stuff Plus.. I finally got a reed diffuser! I always wanted one of those =) and now finally my quest is complete. I chose a smell that reminds me of my bf.. "fresh linen" lol! So now I can have a similar scent to him in my room.. how weird does that make me? lol w/e tho, it makes me happy =)

Monday, October 12, 2009

"So, I Would be His First Girlfriend"

Here's a little taste of Nightlight (Twilight parody) before it hits the bookshelves:

A computer sat before him on the table. He stared intently at the screen, narrowing his eyes into slits and concentrating those slits on the screen as if the only thing that mattered to him was physically dominating that screen. He was muscular, like a man who could pin you up against the wall as easily as a poster, yet lean, like a man who would rather cradle you in his arms. He had reddish, blonde-brown hair that was groomed heterosexually. He looked older than the other boys in the room—maybe not as old as God or my father, but certainly a viable replacement. Imagine if you took every woman’s idea of a hot guy and averaged it out into one man. This was that man.

“What is that?” I asked, knowing that whatever it was it wasn’t avian.

“That’s Edwart Mullen,” Lucy said.

Edwart. I had never met a boy named Edwart before. Actually, I had never met any human named Edwart before. It was a funny sounding name. Much funnier than Edward.

As we sat there, gazing at him for what seemed like hours but couldn’t have been more than the entire lunch period, his eyes suddenly flicked toward me, slithering over my face and boring into my heart like fangs. Then in a flash they went back to glowering at that screen.

“He moved here two years ago from Alaska,” she said.

So not only was he pale like me, but he was also an outsider from a state that begins with an “A.” I felt a surge of empathy. I had never felt a connection like this before.

“That boy’s not worth your time,” she said wrongly. “Edwart doesn’t date.”

I smirked inwardly and snorted outwardly. So, I would be his first girlfriend.

On Long Distance

"It's so difficult to explain. We trust eachother 150%.. and having that distance (as corny as it sounds) makes us stronger. Every time we talk to one another is like a high.. cuz we don't talk often.. so it just feels really good when we do. And only conversation is what I look forward to.. just knowing he'll always be there feels better than anything else in the world.."

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Twilight vs. Nightlight!

On November 3rd, a parody of the Twilight Saga hits the bookstores. After reading a small summary of the book, I must say that I am impressed.. and giggling at all the obsessed tweens out there. The plot is very laugh-out-loud! It explores the mind of a delusional teenager who is so obsessed with her high school crush that she imagines and wrongly claims he is a vampire. Now, THIS story I can believe.
Here's a more detailed overview of the book:

"The book, published by Random House's Vintage Books imprint, will hit your local bookstore on November 3. According to EW.com, it will focus on a young lady named Belle Goose, who is described as "pale and klutzy." When she moves to Switchblade, Oregon, she meets a fellow high school student named Edwart Mullen.

Belle, who has an obsession with vampires, convinces herself that the "super-hot computer nerd with zero interest in girls" is one because he does things she considers supernatural like leaving his Tater Tots untouched at lunch and saving her from a flying snowball."

For more plz visit http://www.mtv.com/movies/news/articles/1623370/story.jhtml

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Apparently AlleyCatz is the place to be for this type of scene =)
Can't wait to get my swing on!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Quick Vid of Dinner

Rushing through this vid...Amor's like WTF?

But this is what I made for dinner today =)

There goes being a vegetarian haha.. no seriously, I made this for my folks (the meat lovers).. I might get tempted into trying a little bit =P

P.S- The potatoes with "herbs and stuff" are killlerrr!
for lack of words..haha

Meet Me Halfway

OMG @ all the spelling mistakes.. frigg ppls, edit!


Got two ticks in the mail today =)

Oh Happy Day! Convocation is near... October 22 =)
Its odd that the 22cnd of October is a Thursday hmm... Sorry Boo u're not invited lol ..cuz u can't make it anyway =(
*Sigh.. Update: Graduation= not so happy day! .. yes it should be this huge celebratory achievement but some ppl from the fams can't make it.. and I might have to work that day too. Bleh, looks like another graduation missed! Won't be the first time.. but it won't be a big deal either.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Thirty Four

One day I will be thirty four.

Will I be a wife.. a mother?
Or will my life take an unexpected turn..
Will I have a beautiful home?
Or will I travel endlessly not able to settle down..
Will I be hott, fun, and spontaneous?
Will I still laugh at every little funny moment that everyday will bring?

HA! and will I still chat on msn?

One day I will be thirty four.
What an odd yet thrilling thought.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Kitchen Stuffs

So I made myself some cabbage soup =) haha and it turned out reallllllyyy well!

It was the first soup I made.. ever! It tastes kind of like the sweet and sour soup from Mandarin.

6 green onions, 2 large peppers, 1 can of tomatoes (diced), 3 carrots, 1 cabbage, 1 box of mushrooms, Lipton onion soup mix.. and 12-15 cups of water..

you cut those up, mix em together..and then season for flavour! DONE

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Whenever I hear a woman opposing feminism I feel that she is taking advantage of her right to think that way in the first place. How hypocrytical! The education we are allowed to pursue, the strength and confidence in the workforce, and the ability to vote, all of these things have been fought for by many brave and strong women before our time. The world is afraid of strong women. When such a woman rises everyone..both men and women.. are threatened by her and try to rip her apart. It's so sad.

No End

This is the darkest I get lol! I still don't understand what this is about completely.. just random thoughts in my head that I've been dying to get out in writing:
Your pretty perfect mistake
is all it takes for me
to realize u're a reject
caught far from the truth

All this time u act like theres nothin
nothin to say, nothin to do
so stop tryin to prove by cussin
what do u want me to say to u

Trapped in this circle
No end
and even if you hate her
its stupid not to give in

I Just Want Everyone to be.. Happy


Sometimes when you least expect it..
or sometimes when u want smtn' really bad without knowing .. u put urself at risk.

Such is what happens with a bottle of Absinthe and 151.

If you start talking to a dorky-cute looking guy and he tells you.. "I hear that stuff can give you
hallucinations".. then based on his dorky appearance, you better trust every freakin word that comes out of his mouth!

.. And when you feel like you're standing on top of the world..
Chances are you're standing on top of a fine white leather sofa in the VIP section, with ur hands stretched out..
.. And you thought that was your bf standing on the bottom of Mount Everest trying to catch you?
No, it was a very mad security guard, yelling at you to come down!
.. And when you jumped you thought you'd fly?
No, you fell straight on ur face revealing more than any1 wanted to see

Make sure you have great friends that take tons of pictures and make an effort not to erase that lil' glitch in ur mind.. haha!

Friday, September 25, 2009


Lisa: I just don't want to regret netn.

Joe: Do you, at this time?

Lisa: No, but let's just say I'm aware of our situation.. and you should be too.

Joe: I'm aware that I'm in love.

Lisa: I know.. and that's so rare to find. What the hell did I do to you?


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Every so often a smell, a word, or picture
brings you back to a memory of what was before..

a taste of what could have been before something
that changed it.

A heart to heart, a simple talk..
thoughts and words spurring, and the truth comes out.

The truth you desperately fight to ignore.

Shit. That explains a lot.

Monday, September 21, 2009

I like to think I was there...

I like to dance all night, summons the day
But that's how I play, yeah that's how I play
I said who are you? Don't matter who you are
So we dance all night and dance all day

I say, I say

We're gonna fuel th fire, gonna stoke it up
We're gonna sip this wine and pass the cup
Who needs avenues, who needs reservoirs
Gonna show this town how to kiss these stars

I sayyyyy, I saayyy (insert my improvisation- major third above)
(ahhhh sexy guitaarrr <3)

We're gunna hunt to kill, gonna skin the hide
A yelp and scream and away I ride
And every drop that spills on every plot of ground
It's all for you for what you found

I saaaaayyyy (jamm that shizzz.. love his voice)

It's gonna take your head
And gonna drive you home
It's gonna keep on, keep on, keep on
And then forever roam

Sunday, September 20, 2009

My Broke Ass..Bought Me Some Shoesss =)


Who can resist a freakin sale? ..*shakes her head*.. I know I can't =(

But whooa so I try on these shoes cuz they look kinda cute and interesting. The colour is nothing like I've ever seen before! (it's a navy blue with hint of grey) And must I mention that they are high as a mothfka.. but comfortable as heck! And if they're gunna be high ..they must, must, must be comfy to walk in! They are also covered in some good quality leather inside and out.. beautiful!

Aneways, I flip them on the under side to check out the price.. and I almost had a heart attack.

$350.00 is what it read

I proceeded to place them back on the shelf.. but I think the sales girl saw my sadness (lol).. and she approached me saying they were in the process of marking them down.
I went to the cash register.. and got them for $90.00! Sweet deal! Oh I also bought some Givenchy pantyhose.. because I can... and only $10.. Nelson plz don't kill me! :$
The Frye Company :O

Thursday, September 17, 2009

For the BSc. Graduate

Don't be so glum cuz it's getting boring..

you're not the only one that has it tough in this world.

I know, I noticed it too..

that you can never do what you want.

I know, I am trapped in this life too..

we always "have" to do everything nowadays.

We can't "want" to do anything anymore..

and what we "have" to do, we are tricked into thinkng we "want" to do.

Don't worry though,

when this fight with the "have to" is over.. we will reign and shine!

This fight is worth fighting.. and it'll be over soon.

Just work, and you better work hard..

cuz when it's over.. it's gunna be so darn good.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Conversing with the Opposite Sex

"Hey Bobby, How was your day?"


"But Bobby, what did you do today?"

-"Same old"

"Oh ok.. but this is all new to you, Bobby"

-"Ye, I'm just chillen"

"Oh ok.. I'll let you chill"

..30 quiet mins later..

"Bobby, when is the best time we can talk?"

-"You can talk to me whenever you want, I'll always answer"

"But we're not talking.. you're not telling me anything"

-"I cut my finger"

"WTF! I guess that falls into the 'I had a good day' category. How the eff don't you feel the need to say these things"

-"I was yelling at George"

..10 mins later..

"... and?"


"UGH! and what happened? ..You were yelling at George so he cut your finger?"

-"I was slicing a cucumber"

" UGH!!.. forget I ever tried"

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Resurrection of Rock 'n Roll

Kings of Leon


His voice, so monotone and shallow, can not find the depth nor the right touch to paint his vivid and colourful pictures to her.

"I'm tired", he says.

He gives up.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wake Me Up when September Ends

So the school year has begun.. woohoo or booho for some!

I'm just chillen, finally able to get some real rest and enjoy my extended vacation.
Extended because I'm only goin back to school in January.
So till then, I have some things I need to focus on.

I love change. I love getting on board and opting for new things.
But no matter how spontaneous this sounds, or how spontaneous I make it sound, I carefully plan everything. I do get excited easily and I do cary things over the top sometimes =) Life is short, I'm glad of every free moment I gain.

I have planned to pick up my french, earn extra points in piano (by continuing it a little longer), and expand my guitar knowledge.. this includes building my musical creativity a little more.

Some time to pick up my hobbies and interests.. to truly express.

Zexy time galore!


Tuesday, August 25, 2009


She smiles a soft smile and tells him with her heart on a string,

"Don't worry about me. I'm used to you leaving me all the time".

My Place

A place she can call her own..
She has a home, yes,
but she wants to be connected to the earth.
She doesn't just want to walk carelessly on it or take advantage of it.
She wants to feel, to breathe, and to see it.
She wants to hold in her mind a vision
so she can have a taste of what she will be fighting for.

She needs this connection, this place, to ground her.
To remind her to stay alive
in case she forgets who she is and who she is yet to become.
And as she searched vast distances for those beautiful images of the world to fill her mind..
she settled on the one closest to home.

A place that satisfied the city-girl and nature-girl in her.
It bent both ways to represent her desire to be in the city jungle
and her natural drive to be outdoors.
She found it.. her escape.. a place to clear her over-complex mind
and to let go all the worries that clouded her goals.
Here she is herself and not anything is held back from her feeling so.

A place, my place now ,
is where I go gladly to overrun all the chaios in my life..

I'm glad I found what I was looking for:


Twilight Saga P.2

So I completely finished reading the Twilight Saga series..
and as I re-read my blog post about the first book there are a few changes I need to make.

I still hold that the books are not written exceptionally well (there are a few parts of the books that are rushed by the author.. very unprofessional) but the final three books of the Twilight Saga are better than the first.

I say that because Bella, who pissed me off in the first book, grows into a more tolerable being (lol).. and her love twist with the new character, Jacob, is something I somewhat related to. That part very much held my attention to the book.

Overall, the vampire love story captures you with an anticipation for the truth... and a desire for a happy ending.

I give Twilight Saga an 8.95/10 (lol).

This is the link to read it all online (including the unpublished Midnight Sun):

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My 411 on Twilight

Because curiosity got to me..
I started reading Twilight.. and I must say I am part impressed and part dissapointed.

I am super impressed with the idea of a sexy vampire crazy attracted to a normal, ivory skinned girl. The imagination that this book leaves you with just drives you insane. You start putting urself in Bella's position.. start fantasizing.. lol. But that's only because of Edward.

The character of Edward is the ideal guy any girl would want to be with. He protects a girl, he fights for her, he spends almost all his time with her.. tells her the most sweetest yet bizzare things... AND he has eyes and a thirst/craving only for her. Shall I add that he is incredibly handsome and has a dangerous/mysterious side to him which brings spontaneity to the relationship. He definately challenges love vs. lust.. overall YUM!

Bella on the other hand- not so much of a yum. I tried to understand her.. but I failed. After reading the first book I felt like kicking her. At first it seemed she was this cool, reserved girl.. and I actually felt jealous she had this hot vampire stalking her. I get it. But then.. she argued with this sexy guy continuously about stupid shit. Get over urself..and enjoy being with him.. and for heaven sake SMILE! Her thoughts and feelings are all so depresseive. Like damn girl.. I don't get you.. I wouldn't wanna be with this depressing chick. Then she turns super obsessive and it got so ridiculously annoying...

Chapter 17- Edward I'm scared of losing you. I love you.
Chapter 18- Edward stay with me. I need you here.
Chapter 19- Edward promise me you'll never leave me. Stay the night. Don't let go of me.
Chapter 20- Edward I love you. I'm scared you could disappear.. tell me you love me. Tell me you'll never leave.

FU*K GIRL! He's gunna leave you cuz yuuuu soo CRAZY!

The other dissapointment, outside of Bella, is the fact that the book isn't beautifully written or netn. It's just a literary 'blah'. I prefer Jane Austen; at least it wasn't ridiculously cheezy.

Aneways.. here's a picture of Edward. Cuz the success of this book is all thx to him!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

B.E.P. Party All the Time

so DAvid Guetta!

my life would beee eassssssaaayyyy if we could party all night and sleep all day!

How to write Essays..

1. Get organized
--> put a piece of paper and a pen on your desk beside your lap top

2. Open your books
--> it looks pretty this way

3. Turn on the lap top
--> the light gives you energy

--> wait around and browse the web until inspiration hits you

It took me one season of Mad Men, and the movies The Ugly Truth and Orphan, to write this essay. I shouldn't mention all these random blog posts and Twitter msgs lol.

BUT I am finally done! yay me :)

Thnx Weather Man!

I feel u heard my plea.. plz keep the sun rays coming..

I'm ignorning your latest prediciton in hopes it will NOT rain over the weekend and the following week!

I think you might've misread your script on tv :)

Besides, you're usually wrong half the time you stare at that big map of fortune!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I'm Such a Summer Hypocrite!

... cuz its been so unfair this year! lol I hate it!
BUT I do love this cartoon!!

This made me laugh.. oh that clever M. de Adder! gotta love Metro ;P

I Walk..Away

Dear Summer,

Since June I've been reckless.. A couple of days of sunshine followed by 5 days of rain..

(you're so cute the way you tease me)

But seriously now, Summer where are you? How could you leave me in such despair?

I can't take anymore of this!! What did I ever do to you but enjoy your beautiful rays!

It's the Recession, isn't it?

Well, EFFF YOU! You and your effin white, puffy clouds, and all your little colourful flowers and birds!

Politics has nutn to do with this, u sonofabytch! You coward! You sheep!

I know you're there! You can't ignore me! Come out and settle this with me woman to woman!

I invite you for a lovely cup of tea, my house, noon. I will wait for you with my sunglasses on and my make up off!

Forever faithful,


Nail Polish

If the summer won't come to you..

A beautiful and fun, colourful finger! lol

These are my Summer 2009 finger polish obsessions!

Yellow banana (Forever 21, 4.50$), Black Current (Maybelline, 3.50$), Light Pink and Peach (Sally Hansen- Hard as Nails.. priceless)!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

A Long Drive Home

The image before me is slowly gaining momentum..
a force I hold on to as I drive over the slightly sloped pavement.
There it is.. the climax.. the sunset.. a strong image to entake..
But as I drive on, it is lost in the vision that was time.

I feel the wind through my hair and the warmth of its whisper on my face.
Slow rolling.. a calendar encircling the earth.. and I know I am alive.
And I feel the earth is alive with me.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Closet Makeover!

Ahhh finally a neat organized closet!!

The Closet Before the makeover: (ugh it's soo friggin messy)

Cleaning out the closet was the hardest part.. here's another angle:

The New Closet:
Shirts, Dresses, Pants, Shoes.. all organized..love it!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Congrats to Nelson for graduating from York University (BA Hnrs. Geography, Magna com Laude)!!

we've been meaning to geocache for the longeessstt time! (I think the last time we updated was beginning of spring).. but life got in the way.. and a thing called money and paying for the Geocache Program itself got in the way as well. There is a fee of around 20$ we have to pay monthly to continue on our quest around the city (or world).. our free trial already expired lol. Soon though.. I promise! because geocaching is just so darn fun lol =)

I am the Hammer!

..not the nail!

So my mother left for a vaycay to Poland for about a month.. meaning I have to cook/clean and actually run the house while she is gone.
Now I know why she so eagerly left her comfortable home ... all the ppl in this house r difficult! Well, at least 1/3 are normal.. ME =) haha. I joke.
So my chores so far have been to prepare meals for myself (at this I laugh cuz I eat so irregularly) and dinner for my dad (which I don't mind doing).. oh and walking the dog full-time. Also, I am responsible for all the groceries and laundry (gasp!). I think I'm gunna call my bf for the laundry bit lol.. and then maybe I'll grocery shop online.. LOL jks. I like grocery shopping =) makes me feel all mature n in control haha.. Especially going to Costco!! the shopping is so pleasurable there b/c of all the free food samples ;) oh, and everything there is bigger and cheaper =) SCORE! I love good deals ;)
Don't I sound like I have a pretty good handle on things?
HA! it's only been two days! Twenty more days to go!
My dad n I get along sooo welllll tho. I usually wake up early, walk the dog, n go to work. He gets up later.. feeds the dog. Then I come home, I cook something, walk/feed the dog again and go out. He comes home eats.. tells me to walk the dog again. Then we either ..A) go somewhere, like Home Depot (cuz we both obsess over that store and have several house-projects in mind), or B) watch movies that we've seen billions of times (like Casino Royal, 88 Minutes, Valkyrie) until midnight (and until we memorized every line in the movie).. and that concludes the day. lol.

I am also dying to share all the neat things I bought.. mostly hair masks/brushes/protein mists lol.. but I also bought these Chanel runners.. and a small Coach wristlet!! (faux, of course) =P maybe I'll mention that in a later post!

Anewho cheers!.. to warmer and sunnier days!

Telepopmusik <3

LOVE this shizzz! =D
so refreshing!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Street Lights

Let me know
Do I still got time to grow?
Things ain't always set in stone
That being known let me know
Let me

Seems like street lights glowing
Happen to be just like moments passing in front of me
So I hopped in the cab and
I paid my fares
See I know my destination
But I'm just not there


This morning,


is making me uneasy.

I feel lazy, unfulfilled, tired.

I'm not ready to be who u want me to be..

I'm not ready to stay put.. its just not me.


I'm an aunt for the second time this year =)
Congratulations to my cousin Marcin who has been blessed with Orys in February.
A second congratulations to my cousin Roma who gave birth to Weronika last week!

My cousins.. in total I have only 3.. are like my siblings! Being the baby of the family, I look up to them in every way! Congrats again.. love u all!

Monday, June 22, 2009


So for 7 days now my boyfriend and I have successfully kept up with the killer workout, P90X.

It's a super intensive workout that you do 1 hour daily for 90 days. The theory behind P90X is "muscle confusion". In total there are three phases, each lasting one week. In between phases there is a recovery week (in which the exercises are less stressful and less demanding). The three phases consist of different workouts that target different parts of your body..and ultimately confuse your muscles, allowing for faster results.

After a successful week of the program I must say that I enjoy it.. and although one hour a day does seem much, the videos are not boring and quite motivating. This doesn't mean that the first week is easy. In fact, by day 3 I wanted to quit or skip a day because I was soooo soar from the pushups/pullups/weights/jumping. But I quickly learned that the only way to rid yourself of the soarness is to continue with the exercises.

Day 1: Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X (too many pushups and pullup variations)
Day 2: Plyometrics (a lot of jumping and calorie burning- this is a tough one)
Day 3: Shoulders & Arms (weights, weights, weights)
Day 4: Yoga X (tests your flexibility..it's advanced and intense.. stupid downward dog)
Day 5: Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X (easy workout..I didn;t like it too much.. love the ab ripper x tho.. getting wuite good at it!)
Day 6: Kenpo X
Day 7: Rest or X Stretch

All you need to get started is a yoga mat, a couple of weights (5lbs..or w/e is comfortable for u), and a resistance band (if you don't have a pullup bar).

My favourite workout is Kenpo X.. it's a mix of 'tae kwan do' and karate.. they go pretty fast pace so it was hard to follow all their punches and kicks at first lol.. I actually think I'm gunna cheat a little bit and do Kenpo X again (as today is my Day 7)!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Summer Splurge

Soooo ...
I've been dying to share the purchases I have made over the last week (minus the sick days- this is when I had a fever :( ).

I shared the Steve Madden shoes I bought for a very good bargain (1$) but I've been too busy to dress up/take pics of some other big buys (that I am very proud of).


The Boyfriend Jacket...
YES! Ok I actually resurrected this from my closet. I bought it last year.. Vintage.. it's a Mexx charcoal blazer I purchased for 15$ =)

Bijoux Bijoux..
Actually, Nelson bought me these three necklaces from Buffalo Jeans NY ;) (the one on Yonge.. down in the basement there are super deals!)

and my Mom bought me this Faux-Gold bracelet =) from Jones New York

Smart Purses:
Smart purse number one:
Very 40's, red purse..with hidden fold-over pocket on the inside.. 5$

Smart purse number two:
Very 40's, box-like navy blue purse.. with an organizer in one of the pockets.. (no joke..it has a place for cheques, change, cosmetics, agenda, credit cards! and receipts) ...cost me $4.50

MY LIFE.. if it were a dress (lol)
I love this dressss!! I feel like a Godess in it! It's Vintage, very pink, very comfortable, it sways so gracefully.. and I can dress it up or down =) My "Hippy dance in the meadow" dress lol.. 25$ (she originally wanted 50$ for it pfftt)

My summer favourites:

SUCRETS lozenges!!! for those unexpected soar throats!

My two Best Friends.. Polysporin with SPF30 lip care covered with my Blistex Cherry Lip Fusion!

Crest Freakin Night Paste.. I can not stress enough how much I loovvee this toothpaste (ahaha). Seriously tho, its good.

Ultra Mist Sunblock <33>I'm also trying out a new moisturizer I found. My Vichy moisturizer just finished.. so I'm switching it up a bit to a day/night cream =) So far so good.. and it smells great!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I NEVER Thought I'd Say This...

but I totally dig the Jonas Brothers =S

Two yrs ago walking by Much Music I couldn't help but laugh at all these tweens (and their mothers) freakin out over some band- "JB". All the screaming, all the fainting, all the "oh my god-ing".. jeezz.. like the Backstreet Boy era all over again.

But I had no idea what JB was = My frnd told me they were some Disney stars lol.. and THAT was the day I started learning about the Jonas Brothers.

It was not until maybe..hmm.. this week that I started seeing more of them on youtube.. more videos (they even have a cute (but over rated) show on Disney lol) and there really is smtn about them.

Obviously, the younger one- Nick- is the one girls obsess over. But iunno.. I like how he is very private, charming, and smart about what he says.. but he never smiles = and seems very "cool"

Joe.. I don't like that stache he started to grow.. I think he's the bad boy, the trouble maker

Kevin.. I like his personality the best.. he's the blonde of the group, funny, perky (lol) and has great moves on the stage with his guitar! love the way he moves =)

But you know.. this all can be an act $$.

Neways enough of this analysis.. they have talent and they're yummy to look at!

Terminator Salvation

I've been meaning to watch this movie for soo long!
and finally I can =).. in bed since I'm still a bit sick.

I woke up at 5 am in the morning and I was craving a hot bubble bath.. ugh I was just about to turn the water on when my mother woke up and caught me in the act.. she gave me some drugs and I went back to bed, sleeping like a baby.

Ugh how rude! Sometimes I wish I lived on my own and took my baths whenever I wanted = (when the water runs in the house its the loudest noise ever and disturbs every1.. except 4 me, naturally lol)

Aneways..I'm home alone now.. and am free to do as I please.. starring at my lap top too long makes my head hurt tho..so I'm gunna try to hook up the comp to my TV =) Bigger is better.. mmm and this way I can enjoy my hottie Christian Bale on the big screen!

In need of hotter days 'n sunshine,


Monday, June 8, 2009

My Surreal Story (to be continued)

Today has been an up and down day.
I felt fine in the morning.. I even went for a run in the park with my dog.
But in the afternoon I've come down with something.. and I'm feeling sick, actually, feverish atm.
So I decided to write this short story.. it's actually a dream I had the other day and it's kind of surreal. I think I'm going to sketch out what I saw in my dream.. because it was soo surreal, so different.. and I think I actually experienced this emotion unconsciously in my sleep. Aneways, enjoy =)


I stared at the ocean.

In all honesty I've never seen anything so beautiful. Just to think a man created this haven, this home with the ocean at its feet.


Tears strolled softly down my cheek. I was angry and almost felt sorry for myself. How is it possible being this rich? Having the possibility of building such great things? Why is this not mine?

The tears grew stronger and I found myself sobbing. I have never felt this low, this pathetic.
I can have all of this, I thought. I can make it all mine. But no, I won't.. not with the responsibility I take on everyday..

"I planted those three palms", he said, interrupting my thoughts. He walked onto the balcony and leaned on the railing admiring his kingdom.
"I was three years old when my father said to me, 'point where you want them son' and so I did. All I can remember are the big machines that moved the trees to that very spot".

Why is he telling me this? Days ago he hated me, hated all of us for invading his territory, his home.

I whiped my tears quickly with the towel before he turned around. How much I hate him. I hate all things about him and he knows.

"I know we haven't gotten around to a good start. But I learned a lot about you over the past few days and I understand everything", he said.

"I don't think you have the slightest idea what we're about. You can stop pretending you care. Really, it's ruining your image", I said back.

"That's unfair. You think I wanted all of this? You think I'm prepared to take on what lies ahead for me and my family?"

"I think you know all the percks of the job and you take advantage of all of them".

He sat down on the leaning chair beside me. His grey Hugo Boss suit and Italian leather shoes made me uncomfortable. He looked at me with a serious face as I hid the army green bikini I was wearing with my towel. He senced my uncomfort, took off his jacket, and motioned to his server to get a bottle of wine.

"I don't like this tension between us. I made a mistake judging you guys but I trust you and am willing to help in any way I can. You know I have the power to do so. So why don't you start from the beginning. Tell me your story, and I'll tell you mine".

I was surprised at how relieved I was to hear him say that. Finally, a sigh of relief. I looked back into his deep blue eyes and saw a young man who was lost but fearless. I have nothing to lose and quite frankly we were floating on the same raft, facing the same open ocean. I can see by the formulation of his thoughts that he is sincere. Fine. I will let down this wall and maybe, just maybe he will be the first to believe my story.

I leaned my head back on the chair, closed my eyes, and imagined it all from the start.



They were all around me as I walked through the park.

These dirty words in the air, hanging, waiting for sentences to catch them. The sentences were being built and sucked into the minds of others. I saw this of course. The whole process. It was my gift. I see sentences in this raw dark form waiting to be absorbed by the imagination of ordinary people. I see their choices in their minds and their beliefs in their eyes.

But the truth is, on this day I did not believe any of this circulating bull shit.

Timothy, at the centre of it all, was above all this. I knew him well and we all knew he would never commit to such a crime.

I knew Tim from university. We met randomly in the school cafeteria where he was presenting this new computer software he discovered (to anybody that wanted to listen). As I walked by his power point presentation, it felt to me that he singled me out from his little crowd of mostly Asian peeps. I tried looking for his words in the air but couldn't see anything he was going to talk about. At that moment, my thoughts were interrupted and I felt a whisper in my ear "Uhmega"..

"Uhmega?" I said loudly.

"Yes. Uhmega. You're absolutely right", Tim said pointing in my direction.

I had no idea what he was talking about. Nor had I ever heard anyone pronounce Omega in that manner. Trapped in this phase of curiosity and awe.. I stayed, listened to his presentation and was convinced to be taken out for an ice cappucino.

That was the day Tim and I became good friends.

I always knew there was something mysterious about Tim. But I was not expecting, nor would I believe what I was going to hear about him from the Keepers.

I met Sayah that same day the rumours about Tim circulated. Prior to that walk in the park, I thought all the words I saw floating in the air were illusions of an unknown metal disorder I had. Earlier in the day Tim sent me a text to meet him and some members of a club he belonged to in Dux Field by the Lake. He belonged to numerous clubs and organizations in school so I thought this was another social meet he didn't want to sit through by himself. But as I walked through the park on that evening I found the isolation and darkness very odd. Something was off.. where was everybody? Where was this event Tim dragged me into.

That's when I saw the words. "Tim".. "killer".. "knifed a girl".. "death".. "dangerous".

All these words ringing around in circles. At first I couldn't see who these thoughts belonged to, where they were coming from. But then at a spot on a hill surrounded by Hibbiscus bushes I saw what looked like a group of people sitting and laying down, pointing in the air, talking, yelling. None was laughing. At moments it looked like they were appearing and disappearing. It had to be the lighting, I thought. I approached the group, who stopped to look at me, a stranger among known company.

The Gift Keepers, or Keepers, I learned that day were an ancient group of people with gifts of the supernatural. Tim was the second to find out about his gift, thus, making him one of the elders of the group. He and Sayah shared the same gift; that of controlling motion. Sayah however, was the oldest and wisest. She was a thick skinned woman, born and raised in the Carribean. Sayah grew up with the knowledge of her gift. It was passed onto her from her ancestors, and as so, she was the one responsible for bringing us all together. Her instruction was to safe keep all gift keepers and reveal our gifts only if we were in danger.