Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My 411 on Twilight

Because curiosity got to me..
I started reading Twilight.. and I must say I am part impressed and part dissapointed.

I am super impressed with the idea of a sexy vampire crazy attracted to a normal, ivory skinned girl. The imagination that this book leaves you with just drives you insane. You start putting urself in Bella's position.. start fantasizing.. lol. But that's only because of Edward.

The character of Edward is the ideal guy any girl would want to be with. He protects a girl, he fights for her, he spends almost all his time with her.. tells her the most sweetest yet bizzare things... AND he has eyes and a thirst/craving only for her. Shall I add that he is incredibly handsome and has a dangerous/mysterious side to him which brings spontaneity to the relationship. He definately challenges love vs. lust.. overall YUM!

Bella on the other hand- not so much of a yum. I tried to understand her.. but I failed. After reading the first book I felt like kicking her. At first it seemed she was this cool, reserved girl.. and I actually felt jealous she had this hot vampire stalking her. I get it. But then.. she argued with this sexy guy continuously about stupid shit. Get over urself..and enjoy being with him.. and for heaven sake SMILE! Her thoughts and feelings are all so depresseive. Like damn girl.. I don't get you.. I wouldn't wanna be with this depressing chick. Then she turns super obsessive and it got so ridiculously annoying...

Chapter 17- Edward I'm scared of losing you. I love you.
Chapter 18- Edward stay with me. I need you here.
Chapter 19- Edward promise me you'll never leave me. Stay the night. Don't let go of me.
Chapter 20- Edward I love you. I'm scared you could disappear.. tell me you love me. Tell me you'll never leave.

FU*K GIRL! He's gunna leave you cuz yuuuu soo CRAZY!

The other dissapointment, outside of Bella, is the fact that the book isn't beautifully written or netn. It's just a literary 'blah'. I prefer Jane Austen; at least it wasn't ridiculously cheezy.

Aneways.. here's a picture of Edward. Cuz the success of this book is all thx to him!

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