Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Twilight Saga P.2

So I completely finished reading the Twilight Saga series..
and as I re-read my blog post about the first book there are a few changes I need to make.

I still hold that the books are not written exceptionally well (there are a few parts of the books that are rushed by the author.. very unprofessional) but the final three books of the Twilight Saga are better than the first.

I say that because Bella, who pissed me off in the first book, grows into a more tolerable being (lol).. and her love twist with the new character, Jacob, is something I somewhat related to. That part very much held my attention to the book.

Overall, the vampire love story captures you with an anticipation for the truth... and a desire for a happy ending.

I give Twilight Saga an 8.95/10 (lol).

This is the link to read it all online (including the unpublished Midnight Sun):

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