Friday, October 16, 2009

Water- St. Thomas, Nevada

By doing some extra research on a book that I am currently reading, I stummbled upon the term "ghost town". The town of St. Thomas is one of the many ghost towns in the state of Nevada. It was abandoned by all its residents due to the formation of Lake Mead, a reservoir that flooded the whole town upon the completion of the Hoover Dam in 1938. The town was under 100 ft of water for sixty years. However, in the past decade it begun exposing itself once more due to the receding water levels of the Lake. This is amazing in terms of both history and science (The combination of those two fields sparks an automatic interest in me). Barely anything of the town remains and it truly is astonishing comparing maps and pictures of what was there before and what lies there now. I can rammble on and on about my thoughts about this.. admiring how man can create something as large as a lake, use it to his advantage then be left with nothing. In the end nature wins. This creates a discussion for another topic: climate change! Decreasing amounts of freshwater, decreasing populations of fish.. where does Canada stand.. and should Canada be allowed to "sell or exploit" fresh water to less fortunate nations who lack this valuable resource? That's a topic for another day haha.

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