Friday, December 19, 2008

King John of Canada

Let it snow, let it snow~ says the King of Winter.

On this beautiful snowy day I've begun reading a rather interesting book I picked up a couple of days ago from the library. The novel, specifically, "a novel of the near future" written by Scott Gardiner, is a political one that describes a series of accidents (or rather, political errors) that lead to a King of Canada. Imagine! A Canadian monarchy! I've read about 50 pages of the novel.. and it is something else! It is funny, clever, and enraging (at some points I just felt like slapping the author haha).. I am definately enjoying it!

Let me give you an example of something I found rather mind boggling:

"There's a game we used to play, a parlour game I guess you'd call it, the kind of riddle you can only have played on you once and then must play on others. We called it My Aunt Minnie, but I'm sure it goes by other names. The object of the game was to figure out why Aunt Minnie liked certain things but didn't like others. It was a logic game, with a very clear connection linking all of Minnie' preferences ( Aunt Minnie likes connections but not things joined). You played it with a group so those who'd figure it out could help torment those who hadn't. (Aunt Minnie likes puppies but she doesn't like dogs). The first stage drives you crazy- then comes epiphany- and much glee afterwards in adding to the distress of those for whom enlightenment hasn't yet descended: My Aunt Minnie likes the moon but doesn't like the sun. Aunt Minnie likes darkness but she doesn't like dark. Does she prefer the night or the day? Aunt Minnie likes neither night nor day- though Minnie is partial to the afternoon. As individual playes solved the puzzle, they'd begin to add their own contributions. Minnie likes kittens but she doesn't like cats. Minnie likes swimming but she doesn't like to have swum. Minnie hates autumns but she does love the fall...... Minnie likes any word with double letters" p.27

The author adds some Canadian history, mentions Canadian art, and there is even an international award that the King initiates- "the Golden Leaf" (somewhat like a Nobel Prize)! I haven't gotten to how the King becomes King.. it is written from the perspective of his best friend, the Royal advisor. I enjoy reading about things that are known to me- like the Muskoka woods, the Royal York Hotel in Toronto, and old city of Montreal (they're all mentioned).

Anewho to wrap this up.. all of this really sparks an interest in politics. I'm going to keep reading political novels.. no matter how boring they are (lol) because as a voter I need to understand this country (I've kinda lost track of what's what and who's who). Like, are we still a colony? a rhetorical question. I'm not quite understanding the governor general bit. I need to step back to Grade 8 Canadian history lol (talk about being honest :P) .. and all this asking her permission to run away from parliament? and the backstabbing of Harper? A coalition? WTF? who's side are these ppl on?

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