Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Am I.. or Are They?

This past week I've been attracting all sorts of weird incidents.
I'm not a believer of bad luck- but lately it seems that bad luck is all I've been attracting. It obviously isn't an extreme case of 'unlucky'.. but it is peculiar how everything panned out. So my question is.. am I the unlucky? or are they?

Omitting the minor cases (of which this idea would be viewed as an obsession).. three major things leave me concerned:

1. The Driveway Hit n Run Incident
On a snowy Saturday, a minivan (I believe it was a Chrysler) didn't make the turn leading to my house and hit my car which was parked on the driveway. The car skid about 90 degrees onto my front yard. The fate of the minivan? He hit the tree, pulled out of the drive way.. and fled the scene. Damage- bumper, lights, trunk, and dents in my car. All is good with insurance though. Evidence- the dude fled but left behind a piece of his license plate covering; which has a phone number engraved. I C.S.I'd that shit (mainly googled lol) and found out where the car was purchased.. bad news is, so what? I have no license plate number; don't even have the exact model of the car- it was dark. On the bright side: have an even hotter rental to drive now ;)(until my car is fixed) Ballerrrr!

2. Corneal Abrasion
There's a small price to pay for looking good. In short, I tossed the geeky glasses and got too comfortable wearing contact lenses. The outcome: month old contacts, stress, and a particle in the eye= scratched cornea. One word : pain! My eyeball was scratched, red, swollen- it was very difficult to open it, difficult to read, and painful to look at anything that emitted light.

3. Bus Accident
Today on the way to school (to write my final exam..yaa!) the 30 bus, going about 50-55 km/h wammed a minivan that forgot to stop when coming out of a car wash. Please, who does that? You're supposed to look both ways when pulling out onto a busy street. The sound of two vehicles colliding is unpleasant.. and very bumpy. Noone was hurt- and the bus driver was a very kind man, he handled everything professionally. The damage: minivan (also chrysler) torn off bumper; disfigured front (it looked like someone took scissors n cut the anterior of the car off- shock!).. the bus was in mint condition though =) lol.. thank Gosh nothing happened, and thank Gosh buses are built to ensure out optimal protection!

Shall I also mention.. the truck that ran a red light on the yonge/dundas intersection while pedestrians had right of way to cross from all directions?
Or driving on a small road when WHAMO a chick from a parked car swings her door open full length, full speed. Shit.. I've never been so ticked off b4 at the carelessness of ppl.

My conclusion: Not only do you have to think for yourself but you have to do the extra work and think for others to keep yourself safe.

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