Wednesday, June 25, 2008

He Wrote!

Sweet! He wrote to me again!
Oh, how he knows when to make the perfect entrance into my life.
He saves me from my sorrows and worries!
I've been pretty spoiled this week, I think.
First he called on Sunday, and now I received from him a letter.
It's difficult to keep in touch through the distance.. but these little simple things rekindle my love for him.
I'm so happy- what piano exam? what bitchy music teacher?- I'm trapped in my bubble again!
I have to write, have to express my happiness!

Only 89 days till he returns, he says.
He quotes "Into the Wild" about his experience up north:
"I wished to acquire the simplicity, native feelings, and virtues of savage life; to divest myself of the factitious habits, prejudices, and imperfections of civilization".

Couldn't agree more!


Steve said...

thats cool. long distance relationship are always hard. im glad you're happy again!

mirror image said...

Well yes, i agree with it. The 'mask civilization ' as I call it where each person has different masks for different reasons. One for wife, one for boss, one for girlfriend (extramarital), one for.... so many, so different.. fooling others.. No dont get carried away. Instead fooling himself. I must say you say so much in so less. I think that's why it is "Expressions.xx"

Anonymous said...

long distance is sucky, but it also makes you appreciate the little things more

ps. thanks for visiting my blog!