Thursday, June 5, 2008

Maybe he'll call. She remembers telling him not to. She always wanted to show she was stronger and independent. Not dependent on anyone, especially him.

[She can do this on her own]

She always liked keeping herself busy with little projects, things she enjoyed doing for herself. He knew that. He gave her the freedom to do whatever she wanted, this made her happy. She always thought of herself as a colourful spirit, a free flowing mind, and seclusive respectively. Never did she doubt herself or her emotions for him. She knew he was one of a kind, maybe the one.

But why was this difficult? They've done this before.
They've been apart many a time.


Maybe its the way they parted that is eating at her conscience.
That last week, almost like pretending he wasn't going away.
His mind was too occupied with plans. Too focused on the packing, the last details of his trip.
How could she interfere with that? She didn't want to get in the way. It was too important for him. Why trouble him with her concerns, her thoughts, her days and perspectives?
He wouldn't want to hear. But no more she wanted to hear about him.
He was leaving, she knew. Too painful to sit there while he took all his belongs, all that he held dear to him.. gone. All that was left of him, all that defined who he was. She knew she'd just sit there in silence.


Silence, the most dreaded state.
Where thoughts of all sorts swim in circles, swim in colours, ideas, and ideals.
A path for questions, answers, solutions, and problems to follow.
All assymetrical, without definition, without principle, following eachother in an almost undefined dimension.
A whirlpool of the imagination; pulling her down into unnecessary worries:

Maybe, this time it's him leaving her; leaving the summer she had planned for the both of them.
The expectations she had. The visions of laughter, adventures, moments of intimacy.
All that passed away.

A feeling of emptiness surrounds her. She should've told him what was on her mind.
Now he may never know. A lack of their conversations.
She knows he won't call her anymore. All that was said was said, all that was done was done.

That last week, she remembers. Too little said to eachother.
Even on his part. No emotion, just stress. He left her for something else, something that closed him infront of her.
Though she's happy for him and wouldn't want it any other way..
she fears this will be constant. Constant emptiness. Constant busy. No conversation.

Time and no contact; fear. No joy in sharing her stories.
She longs to hear his comments, his logic, his way of thinking, solving any problems she may have had. He always told her he cared, always filled her soul with love, with positive thoughts and trust. Always satisfied her inner self, completed her heart.
Empowered her body with beautiful feelings, a sence of pleasure and amazement.
She longed him like the earth longing sun rays peering through a cloudy sky. That burst of sunlight through darkness. That is what he is.


The silence is gone.
All the parallel emotions and thoughts of her mind rekindled with symmetry.
The daze is over. He will come back. Reassurance.
They will share their adventures, and continue with their ever changing lives.

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