Wednesday, June 4, 2008

In Captivity of Ourselves

Are we so different you and I?
Though our eyes are different, do you not see what I see?
Though our styles are different, are we blind to beauty and colour?

When the doors on the bus open, do we not all experience the same vision
as we glance at those who are boarding?
Do we not all have that one instant of time in common?
That second of our lives commonly shared?

Although a routine,
familiar yet distant faces board the bus,
leave the bus without end.
I may never see you again.
I may never get to know who you are.
We don't know who we are, yet we experience so much for that instant.

The bus drives on.

Do you hear the street name being called out?
See the same images passing by outside the window?
We are similar, sharing these specific details.
Yet we are mute. Strangers we are.
No trust, no reaching out.
Neglected, selfish individuals sitting, standing
-all amongst strangers.
Danger? Enemies?
We all stay mute. Ignorance.

Are we all so close minded to objectify eachother on a daily basis?
Abuse eachother as society dictates- do what is expected of us all.
What are these invisible borders?
where do they start, when do they end?
Why can't I ask who you are?
Am I such a stranger?-a careless individual seeking random conversation?
Are we so different you and I? do I bring fear?
Is my person meaningless to you?

A gentleman reads a book, a mother cares for her child.
Who are you? Will I ever see you all again?
If I do, will you remember me?
Remember this moment and all the different faces captured in it?

That one red bus, holding strangers in captivity of themselves.
A box with wheels, a man-made invention, made to improve our means.
But does it?
Closing strangers in a social trap, an outcry far from being open and free.
A box, when opened releasing not one, but many beings full of unique thoughts and interests.
Bursting with different histories, different experiences, lives, and ideas.
Escaping the moment, my wonder to know, as they walk out those doors.
All kept within oneself, not willing to share or express.
That one bus ride, colourful and eloquent everytime.
Capturing individuality, singularity in one shared moment.

Are we so different you and I,
in captivity of ourselves,
that we keep within us the stories of our lives?

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