Friday, June 6, 2008

Nature's Embrace

I decided to carry a small notebook with me wherever I go. That way I can capture the words that flow through my mind at that instant. Here’s what I came up with on my way home on the 35 bus, observing patches of green between concrete structures as I stared out the window.

Simple girl in a t-shirt.
Hair left down for the wind to tease.
Barefoot. Feeling every strand of grass beneath her feet.
She enjoys that delicate tickle as she brushes her foot back and forth, back and forth against that patch of green.
She smiles looking down on her feet, how silly she must look to one passing by.
But she doesn’t care. At the moment she feels like a part of the earth, invisible, not connected and attached to her body. She encaptures every small sensation around her. She closes her eyes and opens her arms out wide. She wants to hug the wind that gently blows past her. She listens to it, waits for it to whisper something in her ear. She sways a little in its direction. It guides her north. Its whistles fill her head with colour. She sees what it sees, feels everything it touches. She opens her eyes, blinded briefly by the yellow and white tones of colour. The sun. She imagines every ray of sunlight that is touching her body and every ray that is blocked by the fabric of her shirt. She lifts her shirt, slightly revealing her stomach. She allows for the chemical reaction to occur. We were born nude for this very reason, she thinks. The heat raptures her bare skin forming small droplets of sweat. Her skin changes a slight pink by this incredible source of energy.
She stares at the changes that surround her. The clouds moving as the wind guides them, hiding the sun away from her. The wind takes over again.
She lies down on the grass looking up and admiring the greens of the trees. Different shades of green varying by the touch of shadow or sun. The wind blows ever so gently rustling each leaf of these grand, tall structures. She tries to count the number of leaves waving against the breeze, imagining each one as a unique shape and figure.
Trees, sprung from the ground, so majestic and eloquent, smiling at those who admire them. An equilibrium of nature, providing air for those who desire to rest under their shade. She imagines a heartbeat inside its core. She leans in and listens to the flow of nutrients directed from the ground to the trees submissive foliage. She wonders if it too can hear her, sense her energy.
Somewhere she hears a river flowing. Its waves caressing every rock it passes. It produces a hum which increases in intensity as it nears a slope. The colour of the water vivid in her mind, ranging from light to dark blue; a reflection of the sky. She can sense and almost touch the translucent smell. A distinct light exposure that she formulates in her mind.
She continues to lie on the grass, admiring everything alive that embodies her.
She is a part of the earth, part of its beauty that embraces the willingness to grow, guided by the sun.

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