Monday, June 23, 2008

Softly Spoken

She laughs thinking about it now.
You are such a foolish girl in love.
Something so simple - yet it stopped all the motion around her.
Stopped the earth from its orbit- rejecting to follow the sun.
He got her.
He made her feel the warmest emotions physically possible.
Feel as if everybody she met outside her bubble was honest and compassionate.
A feeling that included extending her love and trust to even the most darkest individuals. Believing in the possibility of brightening their lives.
With this feeling anything is possible- the stars far out of reach are possible to hold, the depths of the ocean possible to swim under, and the sun with all its intensity possible to look at.
Anything can come into focus with reality and run parallel to its limits.
A 'hello' on the end of the phone was all it took for the colours of the room to jump off the wall.
She felt her heart ready to leap out of her body. Ready to beat a rhythm of its own, set to the pace of his voice.
Even now as she rekindles every word spoken- she feels nervous, shy, excited- a stir of emotion.
Excitement - a spontaneous reaction she cherishes so much for its honesty.
All necessary for she hasn't heard his voice in a long time.
Shy- for she confessed to him her happiness, her joy.
Nervous- a worrisome feeling. His expression in speech hollow, tired, and limited by the constraints of time.
Nonetheless, three simple words still stand strong, still hold them together regardless of the distance that keeps them apart.
She knows she gives this too much thought-
but why hide these emotions, so bright?
Why be ignorant to this feeling, the best in the world?
The beauty of these expressions are difficult to hold within oneself, so as she writes all these words, in her heart they are softly spoken.

1 comment:

DragonRaid said...

wow! excellent work. other way around for me, but i know the feeling. keep on writing!