Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Contra-Valentine

Now that Valentine's Day is over, I can bash you about the things I don't like.
I hate:

.. how easily you can make me smile
.. how patient and understanding you are; allowing me to be mad for a short period of time (and forget why I was mad in the first place)
.. how you don't celebrate Valentine's Day (but I appreciate that you make it up to me in different ways)
.. how you don't like flowers- and don't like spontaneous surprises for no reason
.. how you prefer to chill infront of the xbox than go out
.. how your blackberry is constantly checked when you are around me
.. your mean jokes

>and I think that's it lol.

maybe one more..

I don't like when we disagree about a 'thing' and you state boldly that what I feel is of little importance because the reason for that 'thing' is to save money.. (and money rises over emotion).

I fucken hate money, okay? and will not allow it to govern our lives. Even though you sometimes obsess over it.

If you like something and want it, get it regardless of price cuz quality is what matters> not cheapening it out!
The key is to save up and spend wisely.

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