Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 'n Night Vs. Night 'n Day

Looking for Night 'n Day.. I stummbled upon Day n Night lol. I love the funkiness and unique sound of this upbeat song.

(*Btw, Nel, the pen I got you before your longg trip last year is in this video @ 2:32 haha*)

But it can not compare to the one below.

My favourite song of all time is definately Ella's version of Night 'n Day.. I sing this in my shower! I must have written this more than once cuz I keep coming back to this song lol.

Chicken Soup for the Modest Soul

I am going to die of modesty!

There it is, I said it.

I am one modest byatch.
I am fighting this war against myself.
I find that when it comes to making important decisions... my modesty blinds me and I turn into this uncertain, somewhat lost human being.

I hate to brag or boast and 'empower' myself.

What am I afraid of?
I'm afraid of being hurt, I'm afraid of hurting people (cuz I know how hard it can be), and I'm afraid of being selfish.

I would rather accept pain and I would rather be hurt than having to hurt someone else. I would rather throw compliments at people than throw bricks at them. I avoid the negative..
How bullshit is this?

It's not being nice. This isn't a case of mean vs. nice.

It's a case of telling a friend, "You gained a lot of weight" vs. "You absorbed more curves in the wrong places, maybe eat an apple?"

LOL. In other words I do not shoot straight from the gun.. I twist and turn the truth. I tell it 'nicely' and somewhat altered from reality.

It just gets me thinking- am I lying to myself?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Little Zoo

So I was at the JP2 Polish Culture Centre today in Sauga and OH MAH GAWD..
in a little wicker basket, wrapped in a lil blankie were three little Daschund pups (aka hot dog- dogs).

There was a black one and two light brown ones. One of the brown pups had beautiful green eyes. My gawsh as I played with the lil sweeeties.. I felt the neeeedd to take one home! My Amor would be so happy with a little sister or little brother! But of course my father said NO.. and I was VERY dissapointed.

That's when I called my bf immediately and asked if he didn't want one (lol).. and heck, I would of adopted one right there and then (cuz they were only 400$) :O. Nelson and I have always wanted to adopt a little wiener dog.. it's a bit of a long story (going back to 2005 lol).. but of course we don't live together and his family is a bit partial to small creatures runnin around the house.

Next week if the green eyed beauty is still there- I will take her home!

Another little idea that I came across is adopting a mini water turtle. I think I might get Nelson a little turtle when he goes away to Flemming in September. This way he can have a little study buddy swimming beside him- little Squirt is gunna be soo much more entertaining than that xbox Nelson has at home! and heck, if he rejects my idea.. I'll just adopt Squirt myself. They are quite small, don't require too much space, and are so cute to play with.

My Contra-Valentine

Now that Valentine's Day is over, I can bash you about the things I don't like.
I hate:

.. how easily you can make me smile
.. how patient and understanding you are; allowing me to be mad for a short period of time (and forget why I was mad in the first place)
.. how you don't celebrate Valentine's Day (but I appreciate that you make it up to me in different ways)
.. how you don't like flowers- and don't like spontaneous surprises for no reason
.. how you prefer to chill infront of the xbox than go out
.. how your blackberry is constantly checked when you are around me
.. your mean jokes

>and I think that's it lol.

maybe one more..

I don't like when we disagree about a 'thing' and you state boldly that what I feel is of little importance because the reason for that 'thing' is to save money.. (and money rises over emotion).

I fucken hate money, okay? and will not allow it to govern our lives. Even though you sometimes obsess over it.

If you like something and want it, get it regardless of price cuz quality is what matters> not cheapening it out!
The key is to save up and spend wisely.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Valentine

I love:

..the way you make my heart jump and beat faster, the risks you're willing to take, and the things you're willing to sacrifice
..the way you always ask for my input and opinions when making huge decisions; even if I think those decisions shouldn't concern me ie. your thesis in Nunavut.
..the way you call me back 10 minutes after an argument, allow me to cool off, and then listen to all my concerns
..the way you always want to try new things, new flavors, and the way you always want to fix things for the better
..the way you always think I'm mad at you when I tell you I don't like something> I'm just being honest, in the end it's your choice to make. Whether you listen or not- I will still stand by you
..the way you treat me professionally; you always trust my advice and analysis on serious issues
..the way you respect me and my views of things; we've been brought up a little differently and don't agree about certain things
..the way you respect my views of the world, my boundaries and limits; what I think is right or wrong doesn't necessarily reflect what you think is right or wrong
..the way you always aime to maintain that balance between dividing our likes and dislikes equally
..the way you always think logically and more realistically about some things, and need me to give you that hope and that positive nudge- which I think will help you achieve your dreams
..the way you always bring me back to earth when I'm lost high in the clouds and aiming for the unrealistic ie. boggling 6 courses, a job, house, and kids lol jks
..the way I am extremely open with you and tell you everything; the way I can never lie to you
..the way you make me laugh till I squirt milk out of my nose
..the way you play the cool cat and tough guy but really you're a cuddly bear on the inside (Misiu)
..the way you laugh at my cheap jokes and blond moments; and attempt to understand them
..the way you look at me when I surprise you
..the way you're patient and caring when something is troubling me
..the way you help all those around you- even if you don't like them or don't know them
..the way you're open, confident, and fearless of the future

.. but most importantly, I love that I love you.

Thank you for your support, your honesty, and your love.
My world would be motionless without you.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Rainy Days

Ever since I met you on a cloudy Monday
I can't believe how much I love the rain! (8)

I've never seen T.O so foggy before (it was an adventure driving in the dark today- kinda like a haunted train ride).
Hmm and it's raining.. I don't know which I prefer, the rain or the snow.
Maybe the snow cuz it's fun- but then again, rain is a sign that spring is coming (hmm I guess the hedgehog was wrong about those 6 extra weeks of winter).

Speaking of spring, I am currently reading "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson. In a nutshell, the spring was silent because there were no birds, no fish, and no life present in the spring as a result of the negative effects produced by our nasty pollutants! Written in 1962, it is an interesting read that focuses primarily on the negative effects of DDT on the environment (and us). This book is the fundamental attribute that gave rise to ecology.

I am in love more and more with the environment.. and I think it has something to do with the biosolids I am working with for my thesis project (lol). Yes, they are smelly and yes they nearly make you faint when you first get a wif of them .. but if they can be applied on agriculture and act as a fertlizer, it would be beneficial to the environment. Normally this sludge, which results from the primary and secondary treatment steps of our waste water treatment, is either incinerated or landfilled- both inefficient forms to rid of this nutrient rich waste. Basically, biosolids can be recycled on agriculture and by this- Lake Ontario benefits, because its major pollutant is eliminated, and the biota living in and around it as well.

When conducting experiments of an environmental nature it is incredibly important to simulate the natural environment as close as possible. The environment is a thriving ecosystem which is composed of biocenosis and a biotope. Both factors (life and habitat) and the inter and intra relations among populations and communities of species should be considered. Heck, cuz we never aked the organisms, large or small, if they mind that we destroy their homes!

The biggest dilemma, and this was a big argument between Pres.Roosevelt and John Muir in the early 20th century, is preserving or conserving the environment. Pres. Roosevelt proposed to conserve a chunk of land by preserving one portion of land completely while puting the other portion to "good human use" (farming/industrial purposes). In contrast, Muir proposed to preserve the designated chunk completely and have it untouched by the human population. If land is to be designated for conservation it is not beneficial for an ecosystem to divide. Dividing the environment this way creates an imbalance in the homeostasis of the earth's natural chemical and physical interactions. This destroys the interactions among biota- alters their population growth, population density, and may give rise to unfavourable organisms through their overpopulation, competition, or ammensalism. *Sigh. This isn't the best idea because if mmicrorganisms, for example are negatively affected then in the long run- we will be too! Microrganisms are extremely important in the composition of the atmosphere. If organisms such as cyanobacteria or algae, which are primary producers in the food chain, are negatively impacted then photosynthesis is decreased. Marine biota are the main source of oxygen production, forming an equilibrium between the rise of methane and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. With the decrease of O2, the concentrations of methane and CO2 rises and produces a warming effect, or greenhouse effect. This sudden flip from O2 and Nitrogen abundance to methane and Co2 in the atmosphere may contribute to another ice age.

*Insert sarcasm...
How lovely would that be?
Then we would have snow all the time (that's if we survive the anoxic and thermophilc conditions of the earth) and have more fun than we have now- in this rain!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

My Scientific Theory

So I'm currently studying about the earth's early atmosphere and an idea just hit me. Yes this is going to be controversial.. or it might just be pure stupid lol. Well, whatever it is, I find it amusing and as valid as any theory. Heck, if scientology and aliens are popular beliefs.. I don't see this as any different.

The theory:
GOD is bacteria!

Let it sink in. Now think about it logically. If God is our creator.. he/she/it had to be around before us, in most religious beliefs it is believed that God is present around us and not visible (but he's still here, right?), and apparently he/she/it will come back again.

Well, bacteria is the solution. Simple as that. It's been around before us, of course in various forms.. and it evolved from Archae which has been around for even longer. In terms of size, the microrganisms are invisible to the eye are they not? AND they are inside us too in different forms. Point three is that if there were another "ice age" on earth, the bacteria, in thermo resistant forms, will be present and continue to live.. like it did past the extinction of dinosaurs.

lol no? =) =P



She goes fast
he goes slow


She's left waiting
while he's taking control


Every word floating out of her mouth
pinned down by him in the air behind her


She's grown wings
but remains rooted to the ground

4th Cache

Casino Royale's got nothing on the Palais Royale lol.

After a long day of work yesterday and after a verrryyy good turkey sandwich (hand made by my one 'n only) we set out on our 4th geocache adventure.
This one was a bit more challenging to find because of its location. The gps was pointing us at a location that could have been down low or up high.. what I mean by that is we were standing on a bridge (that crossed Lakeshore) and didn't think until the end that the geocache could have been hidden on that very bridge. We climbed down a fleet of stairs and were pointed to a parking lot that had a very good view of the Palais Royale. This "view" was important because the person who hid the cache mentioned that the location had a perfect view of the Palais. However something was a bit off because the gps kept fluctuating 5m-7m-1m.. wtf? Only one hour later did we realize that this could have meant above us. So yes, we found the cache at a rather interesting and unexpected location (the bridge) which had a perfect top view of the Palais.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Christian Bale

This man..
ooOOHHhHh this man..
sweeps me off my feet!
both as a skilled actor and as a very attractive gentleman!
MMmmm I can just imagine being saved by Mr.Batman! His love interest in the Dark Night was a little dissapointing.. I liked Katie better. I don't think Maggie matched well with the actor (although I do respect Maggie as an actress).
ME on the other hand.. would be great alongside Mr. Bale ;););) don't you think? haha

*plays Danny Fernandes', 'Fantasy' in the background*

Nel, I know you feel the same way haha =)
Number two on my fav actor lists is Leo Dicaprio.. and I don't think I have a number 3.. maybe Anthony Hopkins?

Friday, February 6, 2009


So I was going to write about Polish elevators on the "you know you're Polish" post but then I decided to make this a separate 'elevator' post. These are my confessions.

Hi. My name is Augustyna and I have a phobia of elevators.

Ever since I was a kid I feared elevators! When growing up I used to live in a building that had three elevators (all of which have freaked the shit out of me at least once). I became so sensitive to the moving floor under my feet that I told myself stories and even talked to the elevators to calm my anxiety. I'm not kidding.. I can go on and on about the shit I forced myself to believe.

I hated being alone in elevators and being in crowded elevators. So many times the elevator wouldn't open its doors OR it would open its doors but midway between the floors. I was more calm when this happened on say the third floor but when it happened on the 17th (and it usually did) I'd shit my pants. K, not literally.. but I would crouch to the floor (when alone) or move around (when with some1) so I wouldn't have to feel that "falling" feeling.

Nevertheless, I swallowed my fear just so I could be "cool" and ride in the elevators with my friends. Unfortunately they all lived on floors below mine.. so I'd usually hold the elevator door till the person living on the last floor got home.. then I'd sneak out and take the stairs to my floor (haha). I only got caught once.. so I pretended my mother sent me for some sugar and I accompanied my frnd to her apt. In addition, I would never take the elevator down. I'd take the stairs from the 12th floor to the first- which only took me 3 min's. As I got older I used to make sure I rode the elevators up with my special friend.. lets call him Sam.. because he used to live on the penthouse floor haha. But this got turned waaayyy out of proportion when he started noticing I wanted to be left alone with him in the elevators .. oh man!

Aneways, I was a strong believer that every elevator had a character. This is not to say that I believed the elevators were alive.. its just that all 3 elevators had a different way that they stopped and lifted off the ground. The first elevator was the 'uncertain' elevator. She was light on the departure and slow on the stop. She also couldn't pick up as many ppl as she stated she could (on that lil 'elevator paper'). She was the most common to get stuck and do something unexpected- such as the opening of doors midway between floors. She was my least favourite and I called her "The Bitch".
The middle elevator was my favourite. The feel of the rise and fall sensitivity was inbetween "The Bitch's" and "Grandpa's" (the last elevator). I named this elevator "Max" and knew his every move- he would not surprise me, he was safe, he was predictable. When going up I would always take this elevator (that is, when I had a choice of which one to take. During 'traffic' I had to catch a ride wherever me n my frnds would fit).
However, I did get stuck in this elevator (when I was 6 years old.. and I remember it like yesterday). Actually, I think this is how my elevator phobia started. I got stuck during the 'traffic' hours. A bunch of us kids were coming home from the park and we noticed the other elevators were full. So we decided to pack into the middle elevator despite the fact that it's lights were not working. So we decided to go down to the basement (to avoid traffic from the basement) and come back up in this dark elevator...and like the 6 year old angels that we weren't, we were jumping, bouncing balls around the walls.. and pressing every button just for fun. Then suddenly there was a loud noise, a jerk, and the elevator came to a stop. We were stuck half way between the basement and the first floor, in the dark, for over 30 minutes. I think I was fine the first few minutes.. but then my frnd started crying and someone started talking about some movie they saw with elevators falling from top floors (I know now this movie was Speed). We were all rescued by firefighters... who pried the doors open while were stuck half way btwn floors.
Cool huh? NO!
Since I was crouched on the floor I happened to see both basement and first floor..and my imaginations started taking me places I didn't want to go. As they were pulling me out of the elevator I also took a look at what was under the elevator. It scared the shit out of me. 1. Not only could the elevator have dropped and cut my body in half but 2. There was a large space or smtn' below the basement where all this garbage was present; it was dark, deep, and dirty- what if I fell in? lol.

So ever since then, and ever since watching Speed (which was on PPV at the time) I'd have the same elevator dream over and over again. Me being stuck- falling in elevators that were cut from the top floors- only having discovered that one elevator was connected to another, which was connected to another! and when I'd finally reach that dark, dirty room below the basement- I'd be pulled up on a rope only to start falling again.

The third elevator was sturdy and heavy. I'd call it "Grandpa" because it was usually used for moving in and out of apartments- also maintenance. This elevator was okay but it was incredibly slow. It's slowness took the doors to open more longer.. and it was soo pianful for me when I saw the doors open early (b4 the elevator fully stopped) and at slow motion. So I also avoided this elevator. lol.
But if I were forced into the elevator, by my parents f. ex, my belief was that if I talked and trusted the elevator it would treat me well (of course I believed the elevators could here my I'd never talk to it out loud haha).It was all about trust. lol.

Aneways, this isn't meant to be some sad, pathetic story. I assure you that as I'm writing this I realize how stupid this phobia is (and how crazy I really am :S)! but I battled this fear.. and am not afraid of elevators anymore. Although, I do admit that when caught off guard the same feeling of anxiety does come back.

Here is a video of the elevators in Poland.. I've seen them in person.. and to this day have not stepped into one. In fact, I hope I never have to ride these elevators. I do not trust them and can not believe that they are still operating!

This video shows what it is like in the elevator. There is only one door, that on the floor (not in the elevator). So when waiting for the elevator, you just push one door and walk in as if you were entering a room in your house. There is usually a sign before you pull the elevator door open that says "DANGER! Make sure there is an elevator on the other side of this door". I've read many stories where people would open the doors, the elevator was late in arriving, and they would lose their.. body parts. SAD!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Fave Movie Songs

From Bourne Identity, Extreme Ways- Moby

From Thomas Crown Affair, Sinnerman- Nina Simone

You Know You're Polish When...

I've combined some of the best "facts" about Polaks =)
This brought on the laughs cuz it just happens to be true...

-You or some1 you know has a white and red PL sticker proudly displayed on the back windshield of their car.
-You sing the same song "100 Lat" (100 years) on every occasion (birthday,weddings, baby showers)
-You watch soccer and always "know" they're gunna win the World Cup, meanwhile they don;t make it past the first round :(
-You know very well who Pope John Paul II is, and know his name was Karol not Carol.
-Your grandmother has a picture of the Pope right next to your school photo.
-You take cabbage to the extreme- in pierogi and in body cleanser.
-You like to put sour cream, horse raddish, or beer on everything you eat (I like ketchup + horse radish haha).
-You go to midnight mass every Christmas Eve and keep you tree up till February.
-You share "oplatek" on Christmas Eve and bless your food during Easter (You open presents on Christmas Eve)
-You regularly attend mass but spend most of the ceremony sleeping or reading the bulletin (I like to run away in my thoughts haha) but when asked you are a devout Catholic.
-Your church has a fully loaded bar.
-You kiss on the cheek 3 times, not 2.
-You have at least one uncle named Stan or "Stas".
-Your cute nicknames from your childhood stay with you as you age despite the huge difference btwn them and your original name (Augustynka, Agasia, Aga oh my!)
-You drink your wodka straight.
-You get along best with the Irish and blame all the problems of the world on the Germans and Russians (ha!).
-You know the difference between Czechs, Slovaks, and Slovenes- and you think they're all inferior to the Poles despite their glaring similarities.
-You are convinced your pets only understand Polish, so when your english friends come over that's why they ignore them.
-You can spot Polish ppl just as easily as Asians can spot Asian ppl- cuz they just have that "Polish look".
-You arrive one or two hours late at a party and think its normal.
-You talk for an hour at the front door when you are leaving.
-You have lace curtains (firanki) on at least one (if not all) windows in your house.
-Your house is full of medicine from the old country and its probably all illegal here.
-Your family owns a coffee grinder and a nut grinder.
-Your name always gets slaughtered on the first day of school.
-When you're at a stranger's house you expect the garbage to be under the sink.
-You know Chopin was Polish not French.
-You were speaking Polish before English.
-When your family considers mushroom picking good fun.
-When you and your friends speak english, you occasionally slip in Polish words and assume they know what you are saying.
-You occasionaly add the suffix "ski" to English words for no apparent reason; "I'm gunna put the car-ski in the garage-ski".
-Your dad carries around enough money to buy a car.
-Your car costs more than your college education.
-Your friend's parents talk to you like they're your parents, and you refer to them as "ciocia" or "wujek" even though you're not related.
-Your family is so loyal that even your second cousin will take a bullet for you.

You and I..Yes YOU! make this song work!

I love this song.
What a question to ask.. Are we human or are we dancer?
I think this song speaks for everybody.. are we human or are we following a pattern of outlined movements- movements already walked by others?
Where is our individuality? What makes you, YOU?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Among the Clouds

After three hours of searching> we found our second and third geocaches =)
Both were located downtown and rather difficult to find! The first was a nanochip and it was placed at an interesting location (at Cloud Park @ Richmond and Yonge). I've always passed by that location but never realized how unique it was. In that little park there is a waterfall, little bridges to Terabithia (lol), and public access to an observatory and conservation area. Anewho, the pictures below are of the nanochip (which was magnetic.. and SOOOO hard to find, look at the size of it!).

The third cache was a litle easier. It was located at City Hall.. at the "ROOT of the City"> that was the hint =)

That's three finds in total! SCORE~


Take a minute out of your hectic schedule..
to appreciate these classics:

Pink Floyd, Another Brick in the Wall

Led Zeppelin,Stairway to Heaven


LOL =)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Geocache US!

I think this geocaching is gunna have to have a label of its own!

We are venturing off 2moro on another expedition.

This time we're focusing on D/T Toronto. I wonder what kind of treasure we'll find! As we're looking for our treasure we're gunna discuss where to hide a cache of our own. I am sooo excited!
This is our business card that we are going to leave behind in the containers after we find them:

This business card is accredited to Nelson's skills =D

*TFTC- thanks for the cache!

Just a Story..or Two

So I have two cool stories today. Nothing spectacular.. but its definately out of the ordinary.

Story Number 1:
I saved the day on the subway
from a long ass train delay

I was reading my diva of a textbook (anatomy) on the subway this morning when I noticed that a dude was leaning against the subway doors causing them to open slightly. This is a problem considering that the doors he was leaning on weren't the ones that opened on the side of the platform (lol). Well, apparently I was the only one who thought that this was a problem because no one else spoke up about it. I was sitting rather far from the doors (on the double seats by the window) and the train sitting capacity was at max (meaning there were a few ppl standing on the train as well). So anyways I immediately spoke up, "Excuse me, you're holding the doors open.. the train won't move... Excuse me". So this dude obviously didn't hear me from under his headphones. So then I started waving my arms.. and get this> I get the attention of the guy standing next to him. Yes! there was another guy standing next to that guy. So two of them were blocking the doors- and one of them was leaning on them- keeping them open. So guy number two (with music in his ears as well) smiles at me, looks at the doors, laughs, and continues listening to his music. At this point I decide to try again.. "Excuse me...", when there's an announcement on the train, "We are currently experiencing a delay on Runnymede Station due to mechanical difficulties on the train". WTF?! why isn't anyone else helping me with this. So as I was gunna get up and walk towards the guy.. an older man grabs my hand and says, "Don't worry, I'll go". Dude Number one was startled, leaned forward, and the doors finally closed. As this happened the TTC subway operator was coming around checking the doors of the train- but she was checking all the doors on the opposite side. So I pointed her to the "problem" doors and someone else finally spoke up and told her about the problem. Then she went back to her lil booth- and the train moved.

Wow.. I mean- this problem could've been solved sooner if others helped me out. I'm working on my "speak out when you see something wrong" skills. lol. I mean, I'm pretty quiet n stuff but it bugs me soooo much when I see smtn not right and I let it pass.. I start regretting : so why not let it out when you have the opportunity? and get the credit you deserve. Live by the moment.

Story Number 2:
Ppl skills come in handy even at Home Depot!

So I ran out of tu(ooo)bing for my thesis project and decided to go to Home Depot. I still had a couple of dollars left over from my Professors pocket (no, I didn't steal his money lol).. so I emailed him 'n told him not to worry- I'd get the materials. So neways-- as I was in the store, a man walks past me and I briefly catch the side of his face> who was that? It was my high school principal. So as I continue scavenging the store, I stop and think to myself WTF.. why didn't I say hi. It's true I've only spoken once to him in my high school career (When I brang down the attendance to the office he says to me, "I've never seen you here before and I hope I never do. You must be a good girl" haha). But he was the coolest principal ever! (and he saved my bf's ass from possibly dropping hs- Nel, look at you now! you successful bum! :D ). So I ran all around the store looking for the Principal and then.. I saw him =) So I started asking him if he was who he was lol... and the convo developed into me telling him my life story and what I was up to. The convo ended with a hug, a telephone number- and possibly a chance to work with him or his env't biology frnd (who's conducting research on streams/rivers in Ontario) at Niagara University in Ontario (because that is where he is currently working). Amazing!

So yea =) I was telling my frnd yesterday we should work on our ppl skills.. cuz damn! one day later.. and they can sure come in handy! I recommend every1 do the same! it's worth it!
(even if it's "chopping" one of your professors haha jks :P)


House musik reminds me of Australia...

A chilled out euphoria that lifts your soul from your body. So peaceful and so happy.

Trust me. Listen to these tunes with your eyes closed. Focus your mind on nothing but the beat. Let your body glide and be free. Allow it to do whatever it wants without the control of the brain. Then picture yourself in a rainforest. The deepest of greens and amongst the most exotic plants you have ever seen. Rise above the eukalyptic trees and start flying, slightly brushing your bare feet against the gentle leaves. You see a koala as you soar through the hills. You stretch your arms out and feel the gentle warm breeze as you soar by. You glide lower because the tummbles of the hills suddenly turn flat. You glide past the kangaroos that jump by your side. Suddenly they stop at the sharp cliff that approaches. But you soar on where the flat land ends. A splash of blue and bright yellow suddenly take you by surprise. You've reached the loud and unpredictable movement of the waves. The ocean. So blue, so restless. The waves crash on a beach of golden sand. You see yourself lying outstretched on this beach, the waves pushing your body softly back and forth, back and forth. The friction of the body fighting to get pulled into the ocean, holding on to remain on the earth. A splash of water hits your face and you return to your physical state, to yourself, and attain consciousness of your surroundings.

Ian Carey- Keep on Rising

But honestly, this is how Aussie is; so beautiful, so chillaxed, so tropical, so colourful, so HOTTT!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Weather and Shadows!

Happy Groundhog Day!!

The most reliable sources for weather, the amazing weather duo Warton and Willy, just predicted that there will be 6 more weeks of winter! Let's see if its true!

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

a) "As much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood."
b) "As much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood."
c) "A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood."
d) "A woodchuck would chuck all the wood, if a woodchuck only could."
e) "42 pounds"