Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Cure is More Dangerous than the Disease

H1N1 .. questions?

"The cure is more dangerous than the disease", says President of the non-proft Vaccine Information Centre in the USA, Barbara Loe Fisher.

The following is from an article by Dr. Mercola (
School Children May Face Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccinations
I was hoping mandatory vaccinations would not happen, but it now appears as though that's exactly what we might be facing in the near future.
In the video above, Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) warns that there is a campaign underway to turn schools into virtual vaccination clinics, and children will be the first to be injected with experimental swine flu vaccines.
Part of the reasoning for this is that it appears people over the age of 50 have more cross-reacting antibodies against the current swine flu virus, whereas children who have never been exposed to any of the strains before are more vulnerable.
The Post Gazette recently reported experts saying, "if the new H1N1 flu comes back in force this fall, it might be better to vaccinate children first," because "in the early stages of the epidemic this spring, the new flu strain has caused "explosive outbreaks" among schoolchildren who have no immunity to it."
Again, it's troubling to see health officials using the term "explosive outbreaks" for a flu that in the vast majority of cases has been reported to be very mild.
Making matters worse, they want to target children who have underlying health problems, i.e. the most vulnerable of the group, which means any potential problems with this untested vaccine will have the capacity to do maximum damage.

Why are We Putting Up With the Same Mistakes Again?
The current evolution of public health decisions has disturbing similarities to previous swine flu vaccine catastrophes'. The last swine flu threat emerged in 1976, right before I entered medical school and I remember it very clearly. It resulted in the massive swine flu vaccine campaign.
However, within a few months, claims totaling $1.3 billion had been filed by victims who had suffered paralysis from the experimental vaccine. Several hundred people developed crippling Guillain-Barré Syndrome after their injections. Even healthy 20-year-olds ended up as paraplegics. The vaccine was also blamed for 25 deaths.
Meanwhile, the deadly swine flu pandemic itself NEVER materialized…
When a vaccine is developed in a mere 13 weeks, you can be virtually assured that it has NOT had the time to be tested in clinical trials to determine safety and effectiveness.
The way I see it, we now stand poised to experience a repeat of the last dangerous swine flu vaccine, which destroyed the lives of hundreds of healthy young boys and girls.
The real kicker, of course, is the fact that if the new vaccine turns out to be a killer, the pharmaceutical companies responsible have immunity from any lawsuits -- something I've also warned about before on numerous occasions.
Absolutely no one stands to be liable if this vaccine turns out to be a health

So far, the swine flu has claimed a mere 332 lives WORLDWIDE (as of July 1), 116 of the deaths occurred in Mexico.
To keep this in perspective, the
regular flu (not the swine flu) has allegedly killed 13,000 in the U.S. since January, although there is strong support that these types of figures are grossly exaggerated to increase vaccine sales. However, the fact remains that the regular flu at this point in time is FAR more dangerous than the swine flu, and were you worried about the regular flu before the media started hyping up this exotic new "killer flu"?

Another article to read is by Dr. Zona Rona:
It provides other useful links about the H1N1 flu


Kamilla said...

Amen! So many people are going crazy for this vaccine thinking it's going to render them completely immune to the swine flu.. meanwhile the vaccine itself is experimental.

I'm taking the chances of catching H1N1 without a vaccine. I've only caught the flu maybe 2 times over the last several years, without a flu shot. Catching H1N1 seems even less likely to me.

Augie said...

=D Couldn't agree more.
I'm currently assessing all opinions and all articles written for both sides.. and actually, all the ads and all the info booklets about the flu shot are so vague and pass no valid definitions of what this flu really is. Nor do they attempt to explain viruses/flu to the general public.

One thing that does have me concerned is what will happen in January or February. Apparently this is the high time of the virus attack. Some even predicted a massive breakout. But I just read an article about this (and I will post it on my blog)..where there was a survey conducted of some noted virologists. Majority of them don't think the virus will be deadly to large populations..and they themselves, are not doing anything (except stock tamiflu) to protect themselves.

I was talking to Jay yesrdae.. (he's probably sick of my rants by now) haha.. n I told him of a convo I had with a customer of mine at work about a book she read- how in the 70's the American gov't persuaded certain ppls to take a vaccination for national security purposes.. however, what the ppls didn;t know was that in the shot were small amounts of plutonium. In the long run, these ppl were used as lab mice.. and a majority had severe side effects!

I need to find that book lol!