Tuesday, August 25, 2009


She smiles a soft smile and tells him with her heart on a string,

"Don't worry about me. I'm used to you leaving me all the time".

My Place

A place she can call her own..
She has a home, yes,
but she wants to be connected to the earth.
She doesn't just want to walk carelessly on it or take advantage of it.
She wants to feel, to breathe, and to see it.
She wants to hold in her mind a vision
so she can have a taste of what she will be fighting for.

She needs this connection, this place, to ground her.
To remind her to stay alive
in case she forgets who she is and who she is yet to become.
And as she searched vast distances for those beautiful images of the world to fill her mind..
she settled on the one closest to home.

A place that satisfied the city-girl and nature-girl in her.
It bent both ways to represent her desire to be in the city jungle
and her natural drive to be outdoors.
She found it.. her escape.. a place to clear her over-complex mind
and to let go all the worries that clouded her goals.
Here she is herself and not anything is held back from her feeling so.

A place, my place now ,
is where I go gladly to overrun all the chaios in my life..

I'm glad I found what I was looking for:


Twilight Saga P.2

So I completely finished reading the Twilight Saga series..
and as I re-read my blog post about the first book there are a few changes I need to make.

I still hold that the books are not written exceptionally well (there are a few parts of the books that are rushed by the author.. very unprofessional) but the final three books of the Twilight Saga are better than the first.

I say that because Bella, who pissed me off in the first book, grows into a more tolerable being (lol).. and her love twist with the new character, Jacob, is something I somewhat related to. That part very much held my attention to the book.

Overall, the vampire love story captures you with an anticipation for the truth... and a desire for a happy ending.

I give Twilight Saga an 8.95/10 (lol).

This is the link to read it all online (including the unpublished Midnight Sun):

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My 411 on Twilight

Because curiosity got to me..
I started reading Twilight.. and I must say I am part impressed and part dissapointed.

I am super impressed with the idea of a sexy vampire crazy attracted to a normal, ivory skinned girl. The imagination that this book leaves you with just drives you insane. You start putting urself in Bella's position.. start fantasizing.. lol. But that's only because of Edward.

The character of Edward is the ideal guy any girl would want to be with. He protects a girl, he fights for her, he spends almost all his time with her.. tells her the most sweetest yet bizzare things... AND he has eyes and a thirst/craving only for her. Shall I add that he is incredibly handsome and has a dangerous/mysterious side to him which brings spontaneity to the relationship. He definately challenges love vs. lust.. overall YUM!

Bella on the other hand- not so much of a yum. I tried to understand her.. but I failed. After reading the first book I felt like kicking her. At first it seemed she was this cool, reserved girl.. and I actually felt jealous she had this hot vampire stalking her. I get it. But then.. she argued with this sexy guy continuously about stupid shit. Get over urself..and enjoy being with him.. and for heaven sake SMILE! Her thoughts and feelings are all so depresseive. Like damn girl.. I don't get you.. I wouldn't wanna be with this depressing chick. Then she turns super obsessive and it got so ridiculously annoying...

Chapter 17- Edward I'm scared of losing you. I love you.
Chapter 18- Edward stay with me. I need you here.
Chapter 19- Edward promise me you'll never leave me. Stay the night. Don't let go of me.
Chapter 20- Edward I love you. I'm scared you could disappear.. tell me you love me. Tell me you'll never leave.

FU*K GIRL! He's gunna leave you cuz yuuuu soo CRAZY!

The other dissapointment, outside of Bella, is the fact that the book isn't beautifully written or netn. It's just a literary 'blah'. I prefer Jane Austen; at least it wasn't ridiculously cheezy.

Aneways.. here's a picture of Edward. Cuz the success of this book is all thx to him!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

B.E.P. Party All the Time

so DAvid Guetta!

my life would beee eassssssaaayyyy if we could party all night and sleep all day!

How to write Essays..

1. Get organized
--> put a piece of paper and a pen on your desk beside your lap top

2. Open your books
--> it looks pretty this way

3. Turn on the lap top
--> the light gives you energy

--> wait around and browse the web until inspiration hits you

It took me one season of Mad Men, and the movies The Ugly Truth and Orphan, to write this essay. I shouldn't mention all these random blog posts and Twitter msgs lol.

BUT I am finally done! yay me :)

Thnx Weather Man!

I feel u heard my plea.. plz keep the sun rays coming..

I'm ignorning your latest prediciton in hopes it will NOT rain over the weekend and the following week!

I think you might've misread your script on tv :)

Besides, you're usually wrong half the time you stare at that big map of fortune!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I'm Such a Summer Hypocrite!

... cuz its been so unfair this year! lol I hate it!
BUT I do love this cartoon!!

This made me laugh.. oh that clever M. de Adder! gotta love Metro ;P

I Walk..Away

Dear Summer,

Since June I've been reckless.. A couple of days of sunshine followed by 5 days of rain..

(you're so cute the way you tease me)

But seriously now, Summer where are you? How could you leave me in such despair?

I can't take anymore of this!! What did I ever do to you but enjoy your beautiful rays!

It's the Recession, isn't it?

Well, EFFF YOU! You and your effin white, puffy clouds, and all your little colourful flowers and birds!

Politics has nutn to do with this, u sonofabytch! You coward! You sheep!

I know you're there! You can't ignore me! Come out and settle this with me woman to woman!

I invite you for a lovely cup of tea, my house, noon. I will wait for you with my sunglasses on and my make up off!

Forever faithful,


Nail Polish

If the summer won't come to you..

A beautiful and fun, colourful finger! lol

These are my Summer 2009 finger polish obsessions!

Yellow banana (Forever 21, 4.50$), Black Current (Maybelline, 3.50$), Light Pink and Peach (Sally Hansen- Hard as Nails.. priceless)!!