Monday, June 22, 2009


So for 7 days now my boyfriend and I have successfully kept up with the killer workout, P90X.

It's a super intensive workout that you do 1 hour daily for 90 days. The theory behind P90X is "muscle confusion". In total there are three phases, each lasting one week. In between phases there is a recovery week (in which the exercises are less stressful and less demanding). The three phases consist of different workouts that target different parts of your body..and ultimately confuse your muscles, allowing for faster results.

After a successful week of the program I must say that I enjoy it.. and although one hour a day does seem much, the videos are not boring and quite motivating. This doesn't mean that the first week is easy. In fact, by day 3 I wanted to quit or skip a day because I was soooo soar from the pushups/pullups/weights/jumping. But I quickly learned that the only way to rid yourself of the soarness is to continue with the exercises.

Day 1: Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X (too many pushups and pullup variations)
Day 2: Plyometrics (a lot of jumping and calorie burning- this is a tough one)
Day 3: Shoulders & Arms (weights, weights, weights)
Day 4: Yoga X (tests your's advanced and intense.. stupid downward dog)
Day 5: Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X (easy workout..I didn;t like it too much.. love the ab ripper x tho.. getting wuite good at it!)
Day 6: Kenpo X
Day 7: Rest or X Stretch

All you need to get started is a yoga mat, a couple of weights (5lbs..or w/e is comfortable for u), and a resistance band (if you don't have a pullup bar).

My favourite workout is Kenpo X.. it's a mix of 'tae kwan do' and karate.. they go pretty fast pace so it was hard to follow all their punches and kicks at first lol.. I actually think I'm gunna cheat a little bit and do Kenpo X again (as today is my Day 7)!!


Kamilla said...

Kenpo is my favorite!!! I did chest and back today... my arms will kill me tomorrow!

Augie said...

lol! brap! Kenpo X!!
I think chest and back is my least favourite.. cuz i can't do a freakin pullup properly!! lol Other than that.. i hate it but i love it!