Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I NEVER Thought I'd Say This...

but I totally dig the Jonas Brothers =S

Two yrs ago walking by Much Music I couldn't help but laugh at all these tweens (and their mothers) freakin out over some band- "JB". All the screaming, all the fainting, all the "oh my god-ing".. jeezz.. like the Backstreet Boy era all over again.

But I had no idea what JB was = My frnd told me they were some Disney stars lol.. and THAT was the day I started learning about the Jonas Brothers.

It was not until maybe..hmm.. this week that I started seeing more of them on youtube.. more videos (they even have a cute (but over rated) show on Disney lol) and there really is smtn about them.

Obviously, the younger one- Nick- is the one girls obsess over. But iunno.. I like how he is very private, charming, and smart about what he says.. but he never smiles = and seems very "cool"

Joe.. I don't like that stache he started to grow.. I think he's the bad boy, the trouble maker

Kevin.. I like his personality the best.. he's the blonde of the group, funny, perky (lol) and has great moves on the stage with his guitar! love the way he moves =)

But you know.. this all can be an act $$.

Neways enough of this analysis.. they have talent and they're yummy to look at!


Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha ha, you've been Jonasized!! lol. I feel like some pervert but they are hot! for teens. Their voices are good too.

Augie said...

i just tell myself that only 1 out of the 3 is underage (such is true) and feel no harm in liking them ahah

Gaetano1387 said...

BLASPHEMY! PUT YOUR HEAD DOWN IN SHAME....and plus they look like little girls =S...creepy

Augie said...

u must be a tad jealous :P and u must be referring to their little locks of curls! i think its sexc :P

Gaetano1387 said...

me jealous?? pff why would i be jealous? and yes, with their locks of curls they look really femininea!

Augie said...


Gaetano1387 said...

*bows* that's why you love me...i am truly one of a kind and entertaining =P