Sunday, April 26, 2009

First Night Out

It's been a looonng while since i've gone out :

So long, that I forgot what it feels like..

I forgot what it feels like to chill and listen to good music amongst a group of great ppl..
I forgot what it feels like not being stressed.. I got so accustomed to it that its a part of my normal life
I forgot what it feels like being with my bf
I forgot what it feels like to have my say when I don't like smtn he does
I forgot that I used to take more risks and be more spontaneous
I forgot what it feels like to do smtn out of the ordinary and unexpected
I forgot what it feels like to dance with ur eyes closed.. just taking in the sound and letting it guide your matter how foolish u look

But after last night.. I remembered..
and I'm upset that I forgot this all in the first place!

Cheers to my bad memory

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