Sunday, April 26, 2009

So Amazing

**Ugh infringement my butt =|
still an amazing song

First Night Out

It's been a looonng while since i've gone out :

So long, that I forgot what it feels like..

I forgot what it feels like to chill and listen to good music amongst a group of great ppl..
I forgot what it feels like not being stressed.. I got so accustomed to it that its a part of my normal life
I forgot what it feels like being with my bf
I forgot what it feels like to have my say when I don't like smtn he does
I forgot that I used to take more risks and be more spontaneous
I forgot what it feels like to do smtn out of the ordinary and unexpected
I forgot what it feels like to dance with ur eyes closed.. just taking in the sound and letting it guide your matter how foolish u look

But after last night.. I remembered..
and I'm upset that I forgot this all in the first place!

Cheers to my bad memory

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

... doesn't this make u feel hot?

I am def hitting up some 80's-90's themed nights once im done examss!! <33
btw Corey Hart is smoking.. :$!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009


Walking through the past
time was not focused
on the current moment.

did not rob of any moments.
All was sacred, all was true,
real... ideal.

A trip past the great buildings of man
towards the subtleness of nature.
The meadows, moving freely with the wind.
The sun, shining on everything worth its love.
Your hand in mine.

Time, a friend not an enemy..
made happiness and pleasure all last.

Where are those moments?
So sacred, so true..
did they fall out of your favour?
Feeling something, feeling anything..
is that not ideal to you?

What are you now
but a prisoner robbed of your soul.
Taken advantage of by time..
he plays you, your heart..
turning it cold.

Come back to me
descend back to this earth.
A simple word, a simple gesture of gratitude..
a smile.. some kind of connection.
Anything is worth something..
and something can be everything..
but now.. everything, and all I'm left with, is yesterday.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Yesterday I wrote my first exam. I think it was fair.. and I didn't find it too challenging. I finished in an hour and a half.. which is nice considering it was a three hour exam.

So after my first triumph.. I went looking around for some dresses. I ended buying 3 dresses.. lol. My actual formal dress I found in FCUK.. a nice light green, bubble dress. But I think I'm going to return it because I don't like how it doesn't do anything for my body .. it isn't defined. I thought I could use a belt and bring the waste line in.. but it looks more casual that way> not very formal. So because I don't need a cute, casual, 140$ dress.. I'm going to return it.

My other two dresses, I bought on sale lol.. and they are just simple, casual, everyday dresses. I do not want to wear jeans or pants during the summer. I love skirts and dresses.. so I added a black dress of soft material, with one strap on the shoulder, to my closet. Its really neat because at the wasteline there's a rubber band that gives the impression that u're wearing a loose shirt and skirt. Also, because of the rubber band, u can make it as short or as long as u want :) .

I bought it at Buffalo.. and the price... reduced from 50$ to 10$ (The Buffalo store on Yonge has these sales.. you have to go downstairs to find these bargains :) ).. I actually think I might go back 'n buy this mini jean skirt I saw for 15$ (from 75$ lol). Aneways.. at Buffalo I also bought this hot top.. that looks like a tank top from the front.. but the back is fully exposed and the shirt is held on ur body if u tie it at the back.. perfect for the beach! (this one cost me 7.90$ from 45$)

The second dress I bought at Forver XXI. When I saw the sales girl marking it down.. I was really shocked. This dress is a silver/grey soft material. Like the black one, it falls slightly above the knee. However, its top.. is far more elegant. The dress has an empire wasteline.. thick shoulder straps.. and its slightly pleeted. The look is totally Roman Godess! Aneways.. the price.. from 45$ to 6.99$. I couldn't try it on at the store.. cuz the lines for the fitting rooms are friggin crazy.. so I just tried it on over my tshirt lol.. and it was perfect! I think I analyzed it like 30 times before I bought it cuz I didn't understand why it was on sale.. (maybe smtn wrong with it?.. but evrytn was perfect!)..

So there is my little shopping spree for the day..

Atm.. I'm taking a loonngg break and planning my mini water garden for the backyard lol. My next exams are on the 28,29 of April.. soo pfftt I have a bit of time to spare :)!

Friday, April 17, 2009

"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and
you help them to become what they are capable of being."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Monday, April 13, 2009

..and the Bitching begins

So its that time of the year again...
studying and cramming for finals.. finishing all outstanding assignments.. it makes me nuts!

These r my unwinding thoughts for today... a roller coaster of emotions.

I have to finish this thesis writeup
then I have to study for this anatomy exam that is a pain in the butt.. literally. It just never goes away!
Oh my gluteus maximus is so fine.. so is my spine.. why won't u rhyme.. maybe cuz it's a waste of time!

Then after my anatomy exam I have to devote all of Saturday to shopping.. because I haven't been in the longest time and I need a fkn dress for formal..
hhmmm formal.. boat on a cruise, cruise on a boat.. don't mean to gloat but if u don't go u're a goat!

lol it's gunna be fun ;)

Exam for ecotox, chicken pox, lego blocks.. lol. Exam for environmental bio, mayo, deyo, Kanye-ooo... last assignment due end of April.. April showers bring May flowers.. except I'm starting to see flowers and its April.. and I'm still seeing snow on the ground.

May has a lot of things to hold.. gunna get my G, gunna get my bike tuned n start riding about the Lake.. gunna paint my deck.. gunna plant some tomatoes ... gunna build a fountain out of a huge plant pot (that way when i tan in my backyard i have a nice feng shui feel).. gunna partay with my long lost brothers n sisters!

June.. warmer weather.. Gunna bike ride for the heart and stroke... finish some summer courses.. play more piano.. continue my outdoor projects... take the dog to high park.. n party with my borthers n sisters!

July.. hot weather.. increased number of road trips.. kidnapping the boyfriend to Niagara Falls.. and beach expeditions every weekend lol.. bike ride @ Niagara Falls.. climb the CN Tower via stairs.. parents gone for their on!

August.. piano exam.. finish school.. apply to college.. think about applying to University in Australia... just gunna imagine im in Australia/.. heck..ill just go to Australia... Australia Australia Australia.. Kangaroo Jack! I'm back! 24 hour flight, worth the fight.. euphoria!

Thank you

School- leave me the fuk alone!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Wacky Tunes

LOL so I was listening to this tune:

and it reminded me of this song:

LMAO.. shoe fetish?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hold On World.. I'm Coming!!!

SSOOOO.. I was looking for my running shoes..

(gawsh i havent worn them in ages)..

I do own a pair of running shoes (haha) which serve for the gym and actual running.. but I also have those cute runners that you take out for a walk around the city. And I clearly CAN NOT wear THOSE cute shoes to play baddy *sigh.. you must understand =P

SO there I was running around my house (like i usually do) searching high and low from closet to closet.. throwing shiz around.. WHEN.. I discovered some treasure!!

YESS.. a treasure chest!

Ok, I I found a shoe box.. (which is just as good when you let it run with your imagination) and within it were all these wicked-ass ribbons and shalls and little scarfs from like the 80's or smtn'...

So for the past half hour I've been playing around with these things.. and here is what I came up with:


Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Check out these new beats... from the Miami Winter Music Conference

Oh man! Can't wait to dance it up to these summer tunes!!

Balmes.. A Better Life

Ahhh.. this song is my Australia.. how I want to be there right now!!

I think I need a change of scenery
Warm water sunshine on my foot?
Just like my daydream
And on the nightly?
Everything is hot and sticky
But its ok cause no one plans to sleep here anyway

Ohhhhh.... be-because
We all want a better life
I think I found it in this place
Everthing is so sublime
You should come with me
We all want a better life
I think I found you just in time
And I feeling so divine
We all want a better life
And Im not going home
Im not ever going home
I think I need a change of scenery, yea
I think I need you to be here with me