Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy 141st Birthday Canada!

Happy Canada Day!!

The weather today is B-E-A-UUU-tiful! Plenty of sunshine and warmth.
Perfect for that Birthday BBQ us Canadians looovveee to make lol.
My whole street literally smells of bbq chicken and steak <3>
Can't wait for the fireworks tonight.. its gunna be a great party!

To add to this excitement I'm gunna post a 'thought' - it's actually a story about my previous experience at World Youth Day 2002. I'm going to Australia (in a couple of days) to experience this youth fest again.. it truly is amazing (I'm not very in touch with the religious aspect of it.. however, the people I'm going with are awesome- and I couldn't possibly miss out on the opportunity I've been given!).

The Flag

Follow the white and red.
You see it,
then you don't.
It disappears in a swarm of people.
Excitement builds in you,
as you go on a hunt
to meet the person
wrapped in its colours.

The flag.

All your focus is directed on finding this person-
wanting to reach out and relate to him.

Song and laughter rises around you.

[Side tracked]

Someone grabs your hand, twirls you around- you begin to dance..
to a crowd of people humming and singing a common song.
Everyone in their own language.. same rhythm, same melody, same meaning.

"FFFoottooo", someone yells out loud, in a foreign accent.
Pictures taken, souvenires shared,
Everyone rushes in with their flags to fit into the frame.

[Back to the Hunt]

Heads are all you see
as you peep toe to see
the distance between you and the flag.

A rush forms.
Your don't see it anymore.

Lost him.

AH! look there!

You switch course,
change direction-he's there!
Fellow Canadian, eh?

Amongst all the people,
all the flags of the world, I singled you out!
My brother, my companion, we found eachother.

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