Friday, July 4, 2008

Close to Freedom

I was walking down a busy street and although I felt like dancing, I didn't.
That limit is still there, holding me back, the idea of being 'normal'.

I conquered singing on the street (with my ipod on)..
and I don't mean singing with your best friend walking next to you.
I mean, singing alone to the words of the song in you ears.
A rush of excitement, a rush of fear, a rush of "what will other ppl think, looking at me"..
It's so difficult to sing alone, to dance alone, but why?
A 'high' building from nothing. The 'nothing' being a simple hummm.

I was so close to doing it.. skipping to that beat.
But I couldn't. Not yet.
That day will come soon, when I'm ready.
I'm so close and I don't care. I don't want to care what anyone says or thinks.
Just be. Just me.

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