Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Arrived in Australia.
The flight to vancouver was nice- slept a lil bit.
Then flew to Sydney from Vancouver via Boeing 777 (15 hours- slept 4).
Awesome plane> we each had our own tv's for ourselves.
Flight to Melbourne from Sydney took 1.45 hours.
Love the Australian accent!
Met some nice people!

I am staying with 5 other girls (all whom I like very much)
with an Australian family (we all had dinner, we each have separate beds and rooms- the couple have 6 kids [all except the youngest moved out.. so they have rooms to spare:)]
Tomoro we tour Melbourne!
It is a very new, modern (and still under construction) city.
To describe Melbourne- think of dt Toronto architecture, European- style streets (the lights and left side driving), and Florida (the houses are majorily bungallows with red 'tin' roofs.. and palm trees! beautiful)
Weather= 7C, partly cloudy.
It's 8:38pm July 8, Toronto it's 6:38 am. 14 hours ahead is Aussie.
Sunrise= 7:30, sunset=6pm.. Winter.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Goodbye !!<3

I'm leaving to Aussie 2moro. I come back on the 27th of July!

Keep smiling,

The Letter

Sent the last letter today
watched as it rolled away.

Put it in the box at the ROSS post,
sealed it tightly; wrote the most.

Mailman came, made a joke,
tall, black man; a lively bloke.

Walked out the store and out the door,
the letter on his buggy, I'll see it no more.

My heart quenched, ached, wanted to grab it away.
My love will get it a different day.

The last letter before I leave,
and the last one he will receive.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Close to Freedom

I was walking down a busy street and although I felt like dancing, I didn't.
That limit is still there, holding me back, the idea of being 'normal'.

I conquered singing on the street (with my ipod on)..
and I don't mean singing with your best friend walking next to you.
I mean, singing alone to the words of the song in you ears.
A rush of excitement, a rush of fear, a rush of "what will other ppl think, looking at me"..
It's so difficult to sing alone, to dance alone, but why?
A 'high' building from nothing. The 'nothing' being a simple hummm.

I was so close to doing it.. skipping to that beat.
But I couldn't. Not yet.
That day will come soon, when I'm ready.
I'm so close and I don't care. I don't want to care what anyone says or thinks.
Just be. Just me.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

My New Addiction: House Musik

Have a listen :)
House isn't everybody's cup of tea...
the introductions are rather long- but every song has its own groove and melody- it's own identity!
These songs absolutely JAM my days! - they get me pumped for my Aussie trip :D

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The songs I chose:
1. Ian Oliver feat. Shantel- Bucovina (a jazzy, elegant, 'almost-latino' feel; apparently Bukovina is a valley in the Carpathian mountains)

2. Ida Engberg- Disco Volante (a beat with a sharp- almost 'Haydn-like' feel with the string crescendo's and sharp pizzicato's)

3. Dirty South- Let it go (funky beat with acoustic guitar- love the anthem "no matter what they say- let it goooo (8)!!)

4. Kurd Maverick- Let's Work ('African- like' beat, my interpretation: robotic work day; repetitive actions)

5. Africanism f. Yves Larock- Zookey (tropical groove- relaxing yet empowering!)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Celebrate Canada!

By clicking on the title of this post ^^^,
you can listen to Estelle's "American Boy re-make"> aka Canadian Version "Canadian Boy"- by Mad Dog and Suzie McNeal.

Here are the lyrics:

"Just a number one Canadian sound
me and Suzie about to get down
just listen what we say, say
we in a place where they all say eh?

But they give me a dime,
it's what the horseshoe pay all the time.
Tell the life guard we need more seats
we gotta do better than Wasaga Beach.

Take me on the street car, I'd like to go some day,
take me to Toronto on the Don Valley,
I really want to come fishing with you.
You'll be my Canadian Boy.

He said hey hoser its really really nice to meet you,
I just met this radio DJ who's just my type.
I like the way he's speakin,
but Billie she is freakin.
Don't like his hockey jersey
but I like what's underneath it.

And no I ain't been on the VIA,
I heard that B.C always rains,
and NorthYork's heart awaits.
First lets see Newfoundland,
I'll show you to my bedroom.
I'm liking this Canadian Boy, Canadian Boy.

Take me on the subway, I'd like to go someday.
Take me to Markham on the Don Valley.
I really want to come skating with you.
You'll be my Canadian Boy, Canadian Boy.

Who killin' them in the T.O?
Everybody gunna say you, yo!
Reluctantly cuz most of this town totally fucks with me
Suzie once said to me this town town
aint so green its brown ground
aint nothing new now now now- no no
He crazy, I know what you're thinking
Billy, I know what you drinking
Mad flinga, Phone Ringa
Holla at the next chick soon as you're blinkin'... "


from: MIX 99.9

Happy 141st Birthday Canada!

Happy Canada Day!!

The weather today is B-E-A-UUU-tiful! Plenty of sunshine and warmth.
Perfect for that Birthday BBQ us Canadians looovveee to make lol.
My whole street literally smells of bbq chicken and steak <3>
Can't wait for the fireworks tonight.. its gunna be a great party!

To add to this excitement I'm gunna post a 'thought' - it's actually a story about my previous experience at World Youth Day 2002. I'm going to Australia (in a couple of days) to experience this youth fest again.. it truly is amazing (I'm not very in touch with the religious aspect of it.. however, the people I'm going with are awesome- and I couldn't possibly miss out on the opportunity I've been given!).

The Flag

Follow the white and red.
You see it,
then you don't.
It disappears in a swarm of people.
Excitement builds in you,
as you go on a hunt
to meet the person
wrapped in its colours.

The flag.

All your focus is directed on finding this person-
wanting to reach out and relate to him.

Song and laughter rises around you.

[Side tracked]

Someone grabs your hand, twirls you around- you begin to dance..
to a crowd of people humming and singing a common song.
Everyone in their own language.. same rhythm, same melody, same meaning.

"FFFoottooo", someone yells out loud, in a foreign accent.
Pictures taken, souvenires shared,
Everyone rushes in with their flags to fit into the frame.

[Back to the Hunt]

Heads are all you see
as you peep toe to see
the distance between you and the flag.

A rush forms.
Your don't see it anymore.

Lost him.

AH! look there!

You switch course,
change direction-he's there!
Fellow Canadian, eh?

Amongst all the people,
all the flags of the world, I singled you out!
My brother, my companion, we found eachother.

Toronto Tour

So my frnd and I pretended to be tourists for the Day. We visited some gorgeous sites of T.O.. On Yonge Street (which happens to be the longest street in the world) the Gay Parade was celebrated by hundreds of people. We walked by in complete shock.. so many colours, thongs, masks.. :) It's definately something to experience. As we walked toward the lake, we passed Dundas Square.. and something else caught our attention. The Euro Finals were just starting on a huge screen that was set up especially for the occassion :) It's pretty crazy here when there's such an occassion. What I love most are the many cultural flags hung by fans on their cars. While driving anywhere during the Euro.. or any soccer tournament.. the streets turn *poof* colourful. People honk, cheer, and I absolutely love that feeling! lol.

The following clip is of the Espagna goal, and game end.
I was rooting for Espagna throughout the game.. :) Don't ask why haha.

My Day- Another Saturday

I've been pretty busy lately with work and all. But I have kept up with my random scribbles (manually- on paper haha). Here's a short insight to my day on Saturday.. written short and sweet (at least I hope lol)

It rained again today.
The clouds darkened the city.
Light switch: off.

Made my way to work,
fighting the tears of nature as I walked.
Stood at the bus stop.
Witnessed a car accident.
Angry drivers, getting wet as they bitched at eachother.

Met an older gentleman at work.
Random Convo.
Was with the Air Force.
Been up to Polar Bear's Path several times in the 70's-80's.
Flat land, strong winds, and incredibly peaceful he said.
Awesome. What a coincidence...

Small World.

Sun brightened the city in the afternoon.
It's so humid now.
Summer. Finally.
Went on an errand for my boss, funny man.
Took the long way through the park, smelled the fresh breeze.
After the rain,
a sweet sensation;
trees lightly misting you from the raindrops still parched on their leaves.

new day. A lot awaits.
A City tour with my bff, + Euro 2008 Finals.