Friday, September 11, 2009

Conversing with the Opposite Sex

"Hey Bobby, How was your day?"


"But Bobby, what did you do today?"

-"Same old"

"Oh ok.. but this is all new to you, Bobby"

-"Ye, I'm just chillen"

"Oh ok.. I'll let you chill"

..30 quiet mins later..

"Bobby, when is the best time we can talk?"

-"You can talk to me whenever you want, I'll always answer"

"But we're not talking.. you're not telling me anything"

-"I cut my finger"

"WTF! I guess that falls into the 'I had a good day' category. How the eff don't you feel the need to say these things"

-"I was yelling at George"

..10 mins later..

"... and?"


"UGH! and what happened? ..You were yelling at George so he cut your finger?"

-"I was slicing a cucumber"

" UGH!!.. forget I ever tried"