Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Subway Parody

Evrytn's Gunna be Aight..
he sings while playing his guitar.
She looks at him and smiles.. how does he know that?
He smiles back- those words repeated in a mellow tone.
It's funny, she thinks..
his feet.. he has no shoes on, just socks that hit a xylophone toy.
lol in her mind.. but serious to him.
His sound is so good, so different, so pure.
He must be right. Everything will be alright.

She's not getting that glove back.
Spoof on her.. she's been cheated.
How did a walk so short turn into a losing game?
The worst feeling is starring the enemy in the eye..
witnessing their wrong against you.
She took that glove.. took it away from you..
metres from where it first landed on the floor.
It now lies in her buggy. You can't get it back but do you dare get it back?
Will its loss affect you or her? Her life, her feeling may have gotten better.
The glove, her gain, travelling in different places- keeping her warm;
if not out then inside of her.

He stands alone.
Expresses to people rushing by, the only thing he knows best.
His instrument, native to his people, native to his land, native to his heart.
His eyes, blind to the world's colours, do not capture the people moving past him.
He hears them, while singing his song, rushing about, hustling to catch the train.
Emotionless, cold, late.
But do they notice him? Are they ignorant of his pretty sound?
He is confined to the lines on the floor. That box- his sacred ground.
His living- deemed as another vendor; but what does he have to share?
Slow down people, breathe, relax, feed your inner conscious with passion.

Chasing us like a curse.. chasing those who do not slow down.
Everything is timed; minutes, hours, days, months, years.
A ritual. The train. The school schedule. The route.
Chasing us, changing us to beings without heart.
Nearly run over a cat 2day. Effin cats sitting in mid road.
Spurred on the side walk- can't slow down I said.. lateness is not a virtue.
The world turns in time. The universe focuses in on you.
Slow down, you, it says.
Let time catch up.
Although we try. We can not fool it.

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