Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Feedback Inhibition

On the day of the first snowfall
it deemed upon her.

The flakes, not wholy solid, melted on her warm cheek.
She looked up at the sky
-the sun not visible, hidden by clouds of grey.

Has she forgotten? Has she sunk herself in 'this' life again?
It was only a season gone when she felt so free.
Now she is surrounded by books.
Knowledge thrown at her from all angles.

She lives at every instant to catch it all,
capture all the words and sentences thrown at her, full throttle.
The words not even her own..
killing her 'self' by depending on the sentences of other, experienced figures.

Isolates herself from the real world, she realizes.
Yet they keep throwing info, hitting her body with such force that she sinks in its capacity.

While she focuses on her individual needs, her own education, there are those that suffer, there are global issues that pass her by as irrelevant.

She knows she can do little without the education she is gaining now;
she can do little without the paperwork and title.

As that first flake to touch her skin transforms into a water droplet,
she too is transformed.
Rekindling her goals, she breakes away from the distractions, and makes her way.

She wants to be part of it all and not cut from it..
a recurring cycle like feedback inhibition.

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