Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Costume Day.. not for me :P

So first of all, Happy Halloween!

Second of all, booo my costume days are over.

I did attempt to make a costume earlier this month.. and it was going rather well except for a few exceptions..
1. my model form (that i was supposed to "sew" on) wasn't as easy to make as I thought
-the plan was to duct tape my body- done by the bf ofcourse ;)- and when it was removed, the tape would have le shape of my bod. It was going swell! except we ran out of duct tape when we got under le female chest area. lol. That, and when we took the tape off, my shorts ripped right down the mid arse! HA!

2. the fabric i wanted was soo expensive !

Oh yess, and 3. I had no sewing machine, all was to be done by hand.

Maybe this sounds like a bad idea now.. but trust me, at the time it sounded reasonable! I still intend to make myself a dress.. but I'll need a lot more time to do it! (**darn those youtube videos! they make it look soo easy!)

Aneways, so I wouldn't be me if I didn't have a Plan B. Thus, my choices of costume for Halloween 2008 are:

1. Wrap myself in a bed sheet in a toga-like manner and portray the roman/greek goddess I was originally supposed to be.

2. Wrap myself in toilet paper and go as a mummy LOL//

3. Make myself a "duct tape dress" and go as a... super hero.. very sexy truss me =).

If all else fails, have a good one!

Update! Update! (As of October 32cnd.. sigh its November already)...

So this being an excellent but very cheap Halloween 2008, I didn't follow any of my Plan B's.

I did however create smtn different... with some help... a few pins, a mask from Dollarama (haha), an orange pashmina.. and my "out of season" leopard print dress =)

It's soo good to re-use and recycle!.. heck I'll wear that thing again sometime! (i loved it)
P.S - next year is definately gunna be all out!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Feminist Ideals

He walks into the room, charm flying off his confident stance.
She doesn't look his way but it doesn't matter.
His presence throws her off, bugs her.

Maybe she just hates the male ego.

What is a smile but a friendly gesture?
What is a helping hand but an offer to make peace?
What is this entry but a few words...
to relieve this tension.

Feedback Inhibition

On the day of the first snowfall
it deemed upon her.

The flakes, not wholy solid, melted on her warm cheek.
She looked up at the sky
-the sun not visible, hidden by clouds of grey.

Has she forgotten? Has she sunk herself in 'this' life again?
It was only a season gone when she felt so free.
Now she is surrounded by books.
Knowledge thrown at her from all angles.

She lives at every instant to catch it all,
capture all the words and sentences thrown at her, full throttle.
The words not even her own..
killing her 'self' by depending on the sentences of other, experienced figures.

Isolates herself from the real world, she realizes.
Yet they keep throwing info, hitting her body with such force that she sinks in its capacity.

While she focuses on her individual needs, her own education, there are those that suffer, there are global issues that pass her by as irrelevant.

She knows she can do little without the education she is gaining now;
she can do little without the paperwork and title.

As that first flake to touch her skin transforms into a water droplet,
she too is transformed.
Rekindling her goals, she breakes away from the distractions, and makes her way.

She wants to be part of it all and not cut from it..
a recurring cycle like feedback inhibition.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Classics

During my spare time this week I've really gotten into watching some classic black and white (and not only) movies. I've never had the opportunity to watch these movies because 1. didn't have the "resources", 2. didn't have the need to do so, 3. i've been so focused on the future that I forgot about the past.

By resources, I mean an awesome website I discovered (well, my bf's fams discovered) that has every movie you can think of.. except HighSchool Musical3 (haha :P). Now the money which was put aside to purchase dvd's can be used to buy myself a berret (yes, a berret!). Hello awesome movie website! How much I love thee.

Number 3 is a tricky one to discuss. Yes, school has been on my mind a lot as of late which leads to my future. But another "future" factor, or "future" excuse- has been my focus on the new movies coming out soon. Ex. James Bond, Quantum of Solace Nov. 14- which looks sooo good! With all this limited excitement I forgot about those good ol' movies =(

Aneways, I just had had had to watch (in no particular order):

1. Casablanca (1942).. and I loved it! So smoky, smooth, and mysterious! About a love that is cursed by the war- and a husband that "comes back to life"- which ruins a new love that developed in his absence. A must see!

2. Sabrina (1955). Audrey Hepburn is adorable! I love her- such a collected, classy woman! the plot of the story is very good- also about love, or rather obsession.. and money! This movie ranks high in my fav romantic films (1. Notebook, 2. Pride and Prejudice, 3. Atonement**, 4. Sabrina)

**I just had to mention, Atonement, the movie is MUCH better than the book. I found the book a bit dull ( no offense to the author) lol- he didn't capture the 'love' as well as the movie did (one exception though is the author's description of the library love scene- THAT was very good-probably the best I've ever read).

3. The Birds (1960). Thriller, not really- Alfred Hitchock's Birds is a depiction of my life and your life, if 'the birds attacked. It's plot is slow and realistic- even scientifically reasonable lol. I liked it.

4. Jurassic Park (1995). Yes, for me this is a classic. I have not seen this movie up until now.. and WOW I am in love. Probably the best movie with precise (or rather correct) scientific explanations that are not thrown out of proportion. I would love to be that scientist working on that DNA sample! Aneways, the plot is exciting...

...unlike that of Jurassic Park III. I liked part III but to a certain extent. I thought Spielberg focused waayyy too much on the raptors being able to communicate- come on now, it was kinda cheesy the way the main character was trying to decipher what those dinosaurs were saying to eachother. I wonder if this is what his life's research led him to conclude: "lets just take the eggs" says Bob the Raptor, "no, lets eat the humans" says Steve the Raptor, "No, they look nice, I chewed on the other human- he didn't taste so good, I'm gunna take the eggs"... BAM! the raptors have feelings!- shit, is that a possible theme for Jurassic ParkIV? hope not.

5. Pretty Woman (199?3). A prostitute's dream come true! Damn that girl was lucky- she landed the Ace of Aces! shucks that Harrison Ford is a hunk! ..was a hunk, is a hunk.. was/is.. i dont know anymore (he looks ageless in Indiana Jones lol). I guess in a way they were both pretty women.. awwww *tear. True love.. but really? would you date a prostitute? This all seems kinda iffy. Aneways, thumbs up for the plot and idea-- which really shows us that anything is possible *insert Sarah Palin wink*.
6. Romeo + Juliet (1996). *Starts to drool*.. Leeooo DiCaprio. Enough said.