Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Whenever I hear a woman opposing feminism I feel that she is taking advantage of her right to think that way in the first place. How hypocrytical! The education we are allowed to pursue, the strength and confidence in the workforce, and the ability to vote, all of these things have been fought for by many brave and strong women before our time. The world is afraid of strong women. When such a woman rises everyone..both men and women.. are threatened by her and try to rip her apart. It's so sad.

No End

This is the darkest I get lol! I still don't understand what this is about completely.. just random thoughts in my head that I've been dying to get out in writing:
Your pretty perfect mistake
is all it takes for me
to realize u're a reject
caught far from the truth

All this time u act like theres nothin
nothin to say, nothin to do
so stop tryin to prove by cussin
what do u want me to say to u

Trapped in this circle
No end
and even if you hate her
its stupid not to give in

I Just Want Everyone to be.. Happy


Sometimes when you least expect it..
or sometimes when u want smtn' really bad without knowing .. u put urself at risk.

Such is what happens with a bottle of Absinthe and 151.

If you start talking to a dorky-cute looking guy and he tells you.. "I hear that stuff can give you
hallucinations".. then based on his dorky appearance, you better trust every freakin word that comes out of his mouth!

.. And when you feel like you're standing on top of the world..
Chances are you're standing on top of a fine white leather sofa in the VIP section, with ur hands stretched out..
.. And you thought that was your bf standing on the bottom of Mount Everest trying to catch you?
No, it was a very mad security guard, yelling at you to come down!
.. And when you jumped you thought you'd fly?
No, you fell straight on ur face revealing more than any1 wanted to see

Make sure you have great friends that take tons of pictures and make an effort not to erase that lil' glitch in ur mind.. haha!

Friday, September 25, 2009


Lisa: I just don't want to regret netn.

Joe: Do you, at this time?

Lisa: No, but let's just say I'm aware of our situation.. and you should be too.

Joe: I'm aware that I'm in love.

Lisa: I know.. and that's so rare to find. What the hell did I do to you?


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Every so often a smell, a word, or picture
brings you back to a memory of what was before..

a taste of what could have been before something
that changed it.

A heart to heart, a simple talk..
thoughts and words spurring, and the truth comes out.

The truth you desperately fight to ignore.

Shit. That explains a lot.

Monday, September 21, 2009

I like to think I was there...

I like to dance all night, summons the day
But that's how I play, yeah that's how I play
I said who are you? Don't matter who you are
So we dance all night and dance all day

I say, I say

We're gonna fuel th fire, gonna stoke it up
We're gonna sip this wine and pass the cup
Who needs avenues, who needs reservoirs
Gonna show this town how to kiss these stars

I sayyyyy, I saayyy (insert my improvisation- major third above)
(ahhhh sexy guitaarrr <3)

We're gunna hunt to kill, gonna skin the hide
A yelp and scream and away I ride
And every drop that spills on every plot of ground
It's all for you for what you found

I saaaaayyyy (jamm that shizzz.. love his voice)

It's gonna take your head
And gonna drive you home
It's gonna keep on, keep on, keep on
And then forever roam

Sunday, September 20, 2009

My Broke Ass..Bought Me Some Shoesss =)


Who can resist a freakin sale? ..*shakes her head*.. I know I can't =(

But whooa so I try on these shoes cuz they look kinda cute and interesting. The colour is nothing like I've ever seen before! (it's a navy blue with hint of grey) And must I mention that they are high as a mothfka.. but comfortable as heck! And if they're gunna be high ..they must, must, must be comfy to walk in! They are also covered in some good quality leather inside and out.. beautiful!

Aneways, I flip them on the under side to check out the price.. and I almost had a heart attack.

$350.00 is what it read

I proceeded to place them back on the shelf.. but I think the sales girl saw my sadness (lol).. and she approached me saying they were in the process of marking them down.
I went to the cash register.. and got them for $90.00! Sweet deal! Oh I also bought some Givenchy pantyhose.. because I can... and only $10.. Nelson plz don't kill me! :$
The Frye Company :O

Thursday, September 17, 2009

For the BSc. Graduate

Don't be so glum cuz it's getting boring..

you're not the only one that has it tough in this world.

I know, I noticed it too..

that you can never do what you want.

I know, I am trapped in this life too..

we always "have" to do everything nowadays.

We can't "want" to do anything anymore..

and what we "have" to do, we are tricked into thinkng we "want" to do.

Don't worry though,

when this fight with the "have to" is over.. we will reign and shine!

This fight is worth fighting.. and it'll be over soon.

Just work, and you better work hard..

cuz when it's over.. it's gunna be so darn good.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Conversing with the Opposite Sex

"Hey Bobby, How was your day?"


"But Bobby, what did you do today?"

-"Same old"

"Oh ok.. but this is all new to you, Bobby"

-"Ye, I'm just chillen"

"Oh ok.. I'll let you chill"

..30 quiet mins later..

"Bobby, when is the best time we can talk?"

-"You can talk to me whenever you want, I'll always answer"

"But we're not talking.. you're not telling me anything"

-"I cut my finger"

"WTF! I guess that falls into the 'I had a good day' category. How the eff don't you feel the need to say these things"

-"I was yelling at George"

..10 mins later..

"... and?"


"UGH! and what happened? ..You were yelling at George so he cut your finger?"

-"I was slicing a cucumber"

" UGH!!.. forget I ever tried"

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Resurrection of Rock 'n Roll

Kings of Leon


His voice, so monotone and shallow, can not find the depth nor the right touch to paint his vivid and colourful pictures to her.

"I'm tired", he says.

He gives up.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wake Me Up when September Ends

So the school year has begun.. woohoo or booho for some!

I'm just chillen, finally able to get some real rest and enjoy my extended vacation.
Extended because I'm only goin back to school in January.
So till then, I have some things I need to focus on.

I love change. I love getting on board and opting for new things.
But no matter how spontaneous this sounds, or how spontaneous I make it sound, I carefully plan everything. I do get excited easily and I do cary things over the top sometimes =) Life is short, I'm glad of every free moment I gain.

I have planned to pick up my french, earn extra points in piano (by continuing it a little longer), and expand my guitar knowledge.. this includes building my musical creativity a little more.

Some time to pick up my hobbies and interests.. to truly express.

Zexy time galore!
