Thursday, May 29, 2008

Shutup and Drive

A Honda Civic 2000 pulls up to the right of me.
-Ha! you're mine-
The 30 something year old, wearing dark cool shades, looks at me.
-Loser, he doesn't know what I'm capable of-
Quick reflex; the swift, light movement of the right foot. Press hard, and release.
-Oh how good it feels-
In a matter of seconds, to go from a speed of nothing to...
-He's way behind, I observe glancing in the mirror. I see that blotch of grey that used to be his car. What a rush; satisfaction.-
... 50(km/h).. slowly rising to 60.
-No more. Don't push yourself. I proved what this sexy car can do-
Easy, smooth ride, 55, stay within the speed limit.
Left turn. I love this part of the street. The trees aline the pavement, their leaves letting blotches of sunlight peer through. Shadow, sun, shadow, sun... 50 (km/h).
-Damn. A line of cars before me, following eachother as if pulled by one string. I look at my speed... 35?!
-Who's that idiot pulling us??-
I open my window, let my arm feel the cool breeze. Maybe it'll tan- just one side of my body.
I open the sun roof. Better. Air- breathe.
Finally, the tempo picks up. Oh glorious 55!
But it'll end soon.
Sharp right semi-circle; the pavement curves.. 30 (km/h).. I dutifully obey. Yield at the end.
My favourite part. I roll my window up. Glance left, glance back. Prepare yourself.
Press that foot down hard. Listen to the engine roar!
I see it - flicker left, change lanes- 60!.. 65!.. 70 (km/h)! Lakeshore!- beautiful. more!
That limit is there again.
-Relax, I say to the car.
Turn the radio on.. 97.3. Yess.. boogie music! The 70's, the era I should've been born.
-"I feel like dancin' toniiighht!"
We pass the other cars, Lex and I.
Lagging by, they disappear, from the right- gone, the left- gone.
This is nice. No-one controlling me, I make the rules here. I hold responsibility in my hands, I make the decisions.
- That's right biatches- I say to the cars awaiting to turn on my street- yield before me!- Let me pass!-
-Shit... 30 (km'h). Spoke too fast, too soon.
The window rolls down, arm out again.
-Jeeezz! just what I was expecting.
I look in the mirror. Behind me that grey Honda again. Great.
-He wants revenge, that bastard, you see?
I'm not gunna let him. Gotta get away. He can't catch me.
-Bye sucka! I say to him, turning left into a smaller street.
High Park- Queensway- almost there.
I'm too good, too slick for him- me 'n this car (I need this Ego Boom!)
I'm truly satisfied again.
-50... 55.. 60 (km/h) Come on, Lex- Drive on.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

For my Friend

Jerry. You were too nice to her, too focused on her needs.

[She stared you in the eyes, sitting across of you in the pizza parlour, that day. She waited for a response, a movement of any sort].

I know Jerry. Don't say anything. I know you wonder how. Don't speak, don't think for a second.

You never had much luck with women, admit it.
Always chose the beautiful, graceful, yet the most misleading.


You fill their heads with your heart, your soul. Always the listener, the advice giver.
Don't do it Jerry.
Don't go soul deep too fast, don't listen so hard, don't talk so much.

Leave it alone. You like being the hero, I know. But when you save, it does you hurt.
In the end it's no good.

[Hear me out Jerry].

You could keep trying- but things will never change. Don't look back.
Tell her. Show her your disaproval.
You were her object; she used your passion, your humour, your love - to find herself.
She saw only herself in your eyes- so lost- she used you.
Replaced your confidence with her own.


How could she?- You wonder. No, wrong question.
Why? -Yes. You let her. She walked all over you with her sorrows and confusion.

It was you.
You opened that hidden, dark chest in her mind.
You unlocked it with your "maybe's" and "what if's".
She explored (Something you were always scared to do).
Quite the advice giver now -Just realize.

She tested her options. Considered that boundary, that line,
she stepped over the threshold.
She found it. You led her by the hand while she did it.

[She's gay Jerry]

Accept it, now that you know. Accept it now.
You were her friend all this time. Even through the kisses that felt so real in your mind.
The words you both shared, those nights holding her in your arms.
Memories they are. Friends.

[Those eyes, that deep rich brown he always admired. Once over run with a shadow. Gone, no more. What a beautiful being she was now. Self fulfilled- he realized- true to herself.
He let her go.
Good bye my friend... I won't forget you. He kissed her on the cheek]

Don't worry Jerry. Don't lose your fire.
Search beyond the heart beat, beyond the desire.

Listen to the wind as you walk away, listen to the rhythm of your step.
One day 'she' will find you.
Wait for 'her'. Don't turn back.
The one meant for you will save you. 'She' will walk with you.

Monday, May 26, 2008


I wonder...
How he does what he does,
How he says, what he means,
Why does the heart settle, yet the mind wonder?

Are we thinking one thought
when we touch the same entity?
One thought, one touch, captured in a pocket of the mind
tucked away, yet free to explore.

In his actions, the distant they are from me
does he keep that sensation in the back of his mind?
That pocket, waiting to be re-opened.

I know he knows,
I know he feels as I feel
his presence, his absence- all the same,
No change- one word- emotion; impartiality.

Losing yet gaining all the same,
The present, hand in hand with the future.
Working towards 'self' subconsciously
yet remaining close in mind with 'one'.

Oneself, to work.
Together, to find.
I wonder, to believe.
I know, to hold and trust.

The present running towards its fulfillment,
It will be captured; it will be done.
One day, when both the heart and mind settle.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Prologue; Tales of Passion Tales of Woe

'He calls her Josephine.
She's not what one would call a beauty, yet he worships her with a passion that verges on madness! Big hazel eyes, I grant you, and yes, long curly lashes, a slender, graceful form, artful dress; but are these qualities that bewitch? Perhaps it is the caress of her musical voice that has cast a spell. No, it's her maddening gentleness that drives him to despair. He wants to consume her, possess her, enchain her! And she... '
S. Gulland

- an excerpt from my fav. book

Friday, May 23, 2008

Bucky Done Gun- M.I.A

The latest song I can't get outta my head.

The Angels Are Embarrassed

Why aren't the Blue Jays #1?

The game was fierce, the crowd was strong, there was one full successful wave, and one home run! The most excitement the SkyDome.. err Rogers Centre, has had in a while! *insert sarcasm. Personally, I don't find baseball very exciting but out of all the games I've been to (only 2 lol), this one was pretty good. Highlight of the night was when Alex Rios came out! lol. Ooof, what a hottie :P. It was also surprising to hear "Hangin Tough" by New Kids on the Block for Burnett's warm up music - it added a little grrrr and umph to the game (:P). Below are the last 30 seconds or so of the 4-3 win.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Those Flashing Lights *<>*

Where have these flashing lights been all this time?

Although, JT's original song "Love Stoned" has a groovy beat, JT makes it sound so "N*Sync-ish". Frankly put, hearing so much of JT's voice and self-constructed beats (aka scats) got a bit lame-o. Luckily, stopping the original from creativity-suicide is Tiesto. Tiesto seduces the mind with his added trance-like episodes. He diminishes JT and focuses on the theme of the song. Absolutely brilliant! lol- more emotion comes out through the mix than JT (it makes more sence this way).

This may be the song of my summer '08 (although, it did come out in summer '07). Regardless, it's Hot! lovin it.

LOvE StOneD! JT/ Tiesto

Wednesday, May 21, 2008