Sunday, July 25, 2010

All too familiar

She sits in her car.

She purposefully parked behind the trees in a spot all too familiar to her.
She used to come here endlessly, almost every week when she worked just across the street.. but today, she's at a crossroad.
She observes ppl walking to and from the buildings, as she sits there quietly reflecting on current situations in her life.
She watches elderly couples, all familiar faces, pass her by.
Not much has changed since she's been away.
The same old man walks his dog. Much as he has every morning, he sits at the same spot, a ledge, infront of the old church.

Long behold the church!

She stares at its gothic exterior and colourful windows. Should she go in and listen to words and voices that she's all too familiar with? Will this really help her cope with her thoughts?
Guilt spreads across her and her troubles begin to aimlessly spin in her head.

Who is this person?

She gets out of the car. As much as she'd like to drive away, she's been sitting in there for far too long. Crossing the street, she joins the old man and his dog, all three of them listening to faint prayers being sung inside while observing the world passing by.


Sometime in the future, they won't be sitting there anymore.
Sometime in the future, the elderly couples she saw earlier will change and the familiar faces she recognizes now will disappear.
The buildings will stay, though, attached to them memories that will grow old and might fade away.
But maybe they will come back, very faint, as she drives by twenty years from now.
And maybe in that time there will be someone else sitting infront of that same church, observing these same old buildings, having the same thoughts filling them, that fill her head today.

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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