Saturday, May 9, 2009

I don't get Rambo..

So I came home from a somewhat successful day at Science Rendezvous... a public event for students and profs to enlighten the lay audience!

The plan was to meet in school at 8am, set up, and present to the eager audience that was going to boom our hallways!

Problems with that theory and potential reasons of major turn offs:
1. Pouring rain
2. Stair climb to the 3rd floor (lol)
3. Awkwardness; ppl disappearing.. lvng experiments wo/ ne1 to xplain
4. Not enough balloons (haha)
5. See-through white tshirts =

1. 2 sexc TURTLES.. freakin amazing creatures (from the CCIW!)
2. Awesome ppl.. enthusiastic professors
3. Counter games and turtle races
4. Free food/beverages
5. Awesome experiments: pH tests/worms/mesocosms/ FREE PLANTS

So the turnout: over 90 ppl.. which is quite niice.. but at the end of the day I was totally drained of energy! so what better thing to do than watch a movie, throw ur feet in the air..and relax!

However, I quickly got bored of that cuz I started watchin Rambo.. so i napped away half the movie lol.. but I think I got the whole story down..

errr.. some ppl wanna get on a boat n go somewhere dangerous.. sly stalone says no.. some blonde chick nags him to go.. he says no.. they still end up going... *insert nap*.. shooting, and yelling.. they're in a jungle walking with some asian ppl.. *insert nap*.. screaming, blonde chick is caught by the bad guys.. *insert nap*.. "Michael Michael! MIICHAAEELLLL" the blonde chick is yelling, she finds michael.. awkward music.. some dead ppl.. sad music.. blonde chick running around through smoke.. pause... sly looks at her from a distance..awkward music.. she looks at him.. awkward music..he gives her a nod and shoots a look.. awkward music... she looks at michael..triumphant music.. sly stalone walks home alone. the end.

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