Sunday, May 31, 2009

Shoes for One Dollah!

Just got shoes for one dollah!

Not just any shoesss.. they're gold Steve Madden's..
and one dollah?! ha! i love sales <3333 truth be told they are not from this season.. maybe a couple yrs back lol w/e i'll still wear them =)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

V-Blog 1

BTW.. I also managed to compose a piano piece this week. It's not near perfection yet but I promise its not noise haha...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

My Summer

Clearly I have a diverse appreciation for music! I love this tunnee it is pure lush!!

Now this is more like the summer I should be having.. more euphoria<3 my heaven on earth!

Eurovision '09

This song has grown on me..

This is the winner of Euro Vision 2009 hosted in Moscow. Alexander Rybak from Norway. It's so funny how Polish this song sounds.. even his last name translates to "fisherman" in Polish..hmmm.. could he be?? somewhere down the line.. a Polish fisherman??!! haha lame.

Aneways.. skip to the 37 second mark for the song (b4 that is some Russian..yech, I mean..yay lol)Enjoy!

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Put your lovin hand out babbyy!!
I be jammin to this tune in my carrr..


so chilled..
take me to this worry free and careless atmosphere..

Eu fiz tudo prá você gostar de mim
Oh, meu bem, não faz assim comigo, não
Você tem, você tem que me dar seu coração


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A reason for heart break

He will not see tomorrow.
He barely lived through today.
He will not walk his own journey
It was stolen from him this year in May.

A soul and a heart,
young in will and in joy.
He will not feel anymore happiness
this the fate of a 14 yr old boy.

His destiny has changed
his hard work and achievements a waste.
Who deemed this upon him?
A heavy punishment he will taste.

A life full of opportunity
a dream fully crushed.
A voice driven to silence
his ending unjust.

Just this year in May
we hear about it casually over the news
A boy is found dead, murdered,
does any1 hear? what is there to lose?

A whole community suffers
A family endures pain
A war rages on,the streets,
the gangs, the turmoil... all held in vein.

A hand reaches towards him
from the light in the clouds above.
He apologises, confused..


but a whisper reassures him.. 'have faith, believe in love'.

R.I.P. to the innocent victims of violence
Among them A. Johnston (May 11) and J. Remmy (May1).
The story of these young men deeply saddens me.
Both victims have been slane in the Dundas/Scarlette area, day light, walking a path that many of us have walked and standing at a bus stop where many of us have stood.

The Beginning

And we have reached the beginning.

The cycle has overturned and everything is as was left off last year;
a continuation of summer, as it has never ended.

Today is that beginning, or does it mark the end?
The end of those dark, gloomy days.. where routine and exhaustion were a commodity.

But not this season, this season worth living,
breathing, believing, hoping, achieving.

Today marks those beautiful days.
Today marks the continuum of the real year;
Pfftt.. fall and winter and parts of spring.. just a fog, a blurr> a has-been.

Now. This moment. This freedom.
I live.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

This weird thing called love..

"We are all a little weird..and hey, life's a little weird.
But when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness called love."

Love you Boo.. Happy 4th yr Anniversary!
May our weirdness be guided by our happiness
and our happiness guided by our love =)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

I don't get Rambo..

So I came home from a somewhat successful day at Science Rendezvous... a public event for students and profs to enlighten the lay audience!

The plan was to meet in school at 8am, set up, and present to the eager audience that was going to boom our hallways!

Problems with that theory and potential reasons of major turn offs:
1. Pouring rain
2. Stair climb to the 3rd floor (lol)
3. Awkwardness; ppl disappearing.. lvng experiments wo/ ne1 to xplain
4. Not enough balloons (haha)
5. See-through white tshirts =

1. 2 sexc TURTLES.. freakin amazing creatures (from the CCIW!)
2. Awesome ppl.. enthusiastic professors
3. Counter games and turtle races
4. Free food/beverages
5. Awesome experiments: pH tests/worms/mesocosms/ FREE PLANTS

So the turnout: over 90 ppl.. which is quite niice.. but at the end of the day I was totally drained of energy! so what better thing to do than watch a movie, throw ur feet in the air..and relax!

However, I quickly got bored of that cuz I started watchin Rambo.. so i napped away half the movie lol.. but I think I got the whole story down..

errr.. some ppl wanna get on a boat n go somewhere dangerous.. sly stalone says no.. some blonde chick nags him to go.. he says no.. they still end up going... *insert nap*.. shooting, and yelling.. they're in a jungle walking with some asian ppl.. *insert nap*.. screaming, blonde chick is caught by the bad guys.. *insert nap*.. "Michael Michael! MIICHAAEELLLL" the blonde chick is yelling, she finds michael.. awkward music.. some dead ppl.. sad music.. blonde chick running around through smoke.. pause... sly looks at her from a distance..awkward music.. she looks at him.. awkward music..he gives her a nod and shoots a look.. awkward music... she looks at michael..triumphant music.. sly stalone walks home alone. the end.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Thesis Project Video

This is a video of my messy lab..

I was in the process of building my thesis setup!
