Thursday, March 5, 2009

I'm Tired

So I pulled an all nighter yesterday...
I think it was my true first nighter of this year.
I was studying for ecotox while completing a lab report.

Long story short, I finished the lab report, all 22 pages, at 7am which was perfect considering I still had an hour to get ready and then leave for school. The report was due at 9am. I was ahead of schedule.. the bus was on time.. the subway was running smoothly.. BUT then outta nowhere on Lansdowne station the subway comes to a halt n the next thing I know it's 9am and I am standing outside on Bloor waiting for a shuttle bus. Great! the report is due in 30 seconds... so I called the prof, no answer, I called another prof no answer.. gawsh. Perfect start to a beautiful day!

Luckily I met a frnd from my program who was in the same position.. stranded and desperate to get to class.. so we decided to walk from Lansdowne and hop on a shuttle bus when we saw one. From Lansdowne to Bathurst we walked and only one shuttle bus passed! At this point a cop saw us walking and told us the subway was back in service.. oh wow. We got to school at 10:30.. and luckily I wasn't penalized for lateness.

The time from 10:30 to noon went by so slow : We had six experiments to conduct today.. and I was desperate to leave so I could study for my midterm at 2pm. On a happy note, I got perfect on a quiz.. which I thought was a lil unfair haha.. cuz I felt like I based it on very good BS.
Neways, from noon to 2pm- ThankGawsh my frnd had set up a study group.. cuz it helped keep me awake and helped me review all my shit.

2pm.. time of the exam. I wrote my ass off.

4pm.. end of exam. Time to go home.

Going home was another fuken mission> this time the subway signals from OldMill to Kipling were lost and they were letting ppl off at Dundas West from every second train, so that those trains can head back in the opposite direction. Meanwhile we all sat in the dark tunnel for 15 minutes, waiting for our turn to go through the tunnel (cuz the trains were being led through the tunnels one by one so they wouldn't crash). How do I know all this?> cuz of the very funny, very charming (or so he seemed for those 15 minutes) subway operator.. who explained everything to us. Thank goodness for ppl like him!

Aneways, wtf am I doing still writing. It's an addiction, I suppose. I need some sleep.
Better Days,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL...funny shit. I think as students we will all have a go at an all-nighter. Fortunately for me, I guess, I did not have a test and a report due on the same day. I've had up to two or so report due with a quiz the following day. But the joy when you get that report back and the quiz with good marks....:=D