Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

I just read the first of three novels by Stieg Larsson and I am very surprised at the plot, suspense, and how well the author carried the book from start to finish. I must admit that at the beginning the plot was slow moving but it quickly picked up pace. To my surprise the book had multiple climaxes and they were so well entwined in the story that while reading I couldn't resist putting the book down. I finished reading the book at 5am in the morning lol. Overall, 5 stars. It was very smart and again, very well written. It was also my first mystery/murder novel I've read and although the book did arise emotions of fear and anger in me, I was not as agitated by it because the main characters of the book had logical and rational thinking (not as dumbfounded as Bella Swan from Twilight.. barf).

I am currently picking up the second book, The Girl who played with fire. On a side note, I'm also reading a history book (written by Norman Davies).. the history of Poland but in ENGLISH! yes.. english!!! finally, something that I can understand and analyze thoroughly on my own. Don't get me wrong, I am fluent in Polish.. but the way the Polish language carries itself in such subjects is a snore! lol. Plus some words are difficult to interpret :P

Aneways, here is the trailer to the movie of the first of Larsson's books (it is in Swedish with english subtitles). A couple of friends strongly recommended me to watch it but I couldn't give in without reading the book first :)