Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tweet Tweet!

Obsession with the latest trends?

Or maybe just convenience...

I don't know exactly why I signed up for Twitter yesterday lol..

I think I was just sooo overwhelmed with these assignments that I needed a quick and easy distraction!

Facebook keeps you distracted for too long.. and quite honestly, so do these blogs (all the editing and formulating sentences haha).. by the time you're done, you realize you wasted more time than you intended!

But Tweeting is so easy.. it's so precise, short.. and hits the nail on the head!

So thus, I have added yet another distraction tying me to the computer screen.. and helping me breathe from these hectic, stuffy, and stressful times!

Total distractions:
1. Blogger
3. MSN
4. Perezhilton
5. Twitter
6. Calling Nelson non-stop (haha jks)

Monday, March 30, 2009

Which Yummy Are You?

No cheating!!

If all of the eight desserts listed below were sitting in
front of you, which one would you choose .. and only pick one!!

Then scroll down and look to see what your choice says about you!

1. Angel Food Cake 2. Brownies 3. Lemon Meringue Pie 4. Vanilla Cake With Chocolate Icing
5. Strawberry Short Cake
6. Chocolate Cake With Chocolate Icing
7. Ice Cream Cake8. Carrot Cake

If you chose:

1. ANGEL FOOD CAKE -- Sweet, loving, cuddly. You love all
warm and fuzzy items. A little nutty at times. Sometimes you
need an ice cream cone at the end of the day. Others
perceive you as being childlike and immature at times.

2... BROWNIES -- You are adventurous, love new ideas, and are
a champion of underdogs and a slayer of dragons. When
tempers flare up you whip out your saber. You are always the
oddball with a unique sense of humor and direction. You tend
to be very loyal.

3. LEMON MERINGUE -- Smooth, sexy, & articulate with your
hands, you are an excellent caregiver and a good teacher..
But don't try to walk and chew gum at the same time. A bit of
a diva at times, you set your own style because you do your
own thing. You shine when it comes to helping others and
have many friends..

humorous, not very grounded in life; very indecisive and
lacking motivation. Everyone enjoys being around you, but
you are a practical joker.. Others should be cautious in
making you mad. However, you are a friend for life.

5. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE -- Romantic, warm, loving. You care
about other people, can be counted on in a pinch and expect
the same in return. Intuitively keen. You can be very
emotional at times but a true person in every way. You like
to do things for yourself and help others learn about

to give and receive. Very creative, adventurous, ambitious,
and passionate.. You can appear to have a cold exterior but
are warm on the inside. Not afraid to take chances. Will not
settle for anything average in life. Love to laugh.

7... ICE CREAM -- You like sports, whether it be baseball,
football,basketball, or soccer. If you could, you would like
to participate, but you enjoy watching sports. You don't
like to give up the remote control. You tend to be
self-centered and high maintenance.

8.. CARROT CAKE -- You are a very fun loving person, who
likes to laugh. You are fun to be with. People like to hang
out with you. You are a very warm hearted person and a
little quirky at times. You have many loyal friends. You
were meant to lead and teach others. A wonderful role model.

On that note... I'm not telling which one I chose lol :$ :P

I actually cheated a little bit haha! I made my own choco-strawberry cake =)

Busy as a Bee!

Oh yonder.. see the light!
The warm wind sprung this city cold,
to doth bright colour flight!
Thou thought this city old..

Though days were gloomy and dull
and time.. the lack of, chasing thou round
But halt! Those days are no more full!
The sparks of colour arise and shake the ground

Thou art.. ye say, oh blah, blah nay
The olde lang sine.. oh crap by day!
Thou words are swinging
ye thoughts are torn..
the teacher rushes..
Be Damned, forlorn!

So I stand here and trot a plot before thee
I have been, for these past three weeks as busy as a bee!

But now I return, infront of thee in a lightened box
Dear Madame, Dear Sir... I present to you ...my socks?

haha... Nay! I present to you my thoughts =)

Awesome Job PPL!!!

The results are in...

and Earth Hour 2009 (which occurred at 8:30pm on Saturday) cut energy output by 15%!

Check out Toronto:
..and Sydney:
I was definately in on this action and made sure all my lights were out @ my place.. but it wasn't very easy being 100% energy efficient!

I had to keep my lap top up and running.. I can not live without the light glaring from my Toshiba lol.

Nevertheless, congrats T.O! We are getting greener everyday! Rise the green revolution! lol

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Dance With Me..

Sade is my absolute favourite smooth jazz artist!

I would have a blast on stage singing these kind of songs..
I have a different interpretation of this song tho..
I'd wear a cocktail dress with those long black gloves and a red rose in my hair!
and definately swing my hips and tap my feet more lol

Maybe one day...

Friday, March 20, 2009

Finally a moment to breathe..

Oh (eyyy)
I've been travellin' on this road too long (too long)
Just tryna find my way back home (back home)
The old me is dead and gone, dead and gone

And oh (eyyy)
I've been travellin' on this road too long (too long)
Just tryna find my way back home (back home)
The old me is dead and gone, dead and gone

Ever had one of them days wish would've stayed home
Run into a group of niggas who gettin' they hate on
You walk by
They get wrong
You reply then shit get blown
Way outta proportion
Way past discussion
Just you against them, pick one then rush 'em
Figure you'll get jumped, hell that's nothing
They don't wanna stop there now they bussin'
Now you gushin', ambulance rushin'
You to the hospital with a bad concussion
Plus ya hit 4 times
Plus it hit ya spine
Paralyzed waist down now ya wheel chair bound
Nevermind that now you lucky to be alive
Just think it all started you fussin' with 3 guys
Now ya pride in the way, but ya pride is the way
You could fuck around, get shot, die anyday
Niggas die everyday
All over bull shit, dope money, dice game, ordinary hood shit
Could this be 'cos of hip hop music?
Or did the ones with the good sense not use it?
Usually niggas don't know what to do when their back against the wall so they just start shootin'
For red or for blue or for blo I guess
From Bankhead or from your projects
No more stress, now I'm straight, now I get it, now I take
Time to think, before I make mistakes just for my family's sake
That part of me left yesterday
The heart of me is strong today
No regrets I'm blessed to say
The old me dead and gone away

[Chorus (Justin Timberlake (T.I.))]

I ain't never been scared, I lived through tragedy
Situation could've been dead lookin' back at it
Most of that shit didn't even have to happen
But you don't think about it when you out there trappin'
In apartments, hangin', smokin', and rappin'
Niggas start shit, next thing ya know we cappin'
Get locked up then didn't even get mad
Now think about damn what a life I had
Most of that shit, look back, just laugh
Some shit still look back get sad
Maybe my homboy still be around
Had I not hit the nigga in the mouth that time
I won that fight
I lost that war
I can still see my nigga walkin' out that door
Who'da thought I'd never see Philant no more?
Got enough dead homies I don't want no more
Cost a nigga his job
Cost me more
I'd took that ass-whooping now for sure
Now think before I risk my life
Take them chances to get my stripe
A nigga put his hands on me alright
Otherwise stand there talk shit all night
'Cos I hit you, you sue me,
I shoot you, get locked up, who me?
No more stress, now I'm straight, now I get it, now I take
Time to think, before I make mistakes just for my family's sake
That part of me left yesterday
The heart of me is strong today
No regrets I'm blessed to say
The old me dead and gone away

[Chorus (Justin Timberlake (T.I.))]

I turn my head to the East
I don't see nobody by my side
I turn my head to the West
Still nobody in sight
So I turn my head to the North
Swallow that pill that they call pride
That old me is dead and gone
But that new me will be alright

I turn my head to the East
I don't see nobody by my side
I turn my head to the West
Still nobody in sight
So I turn my head to the North
Swallow that pill that they call pride
That old me is dead and gone
But that new me will be alright

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Boggle

Boggle Toggle, Play

Thinkle Minkle, Say

Corruption Give-upsion... Nay!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Dorm Life

So I'm sitting in lab atm.. waiting for my TOC (total organic carbon) machine to read my samples.. and I am watching this hillarious show..
It's called dorm life.. it's only like 4 mins.. n pretty good!
It has that show "The Office" feel. Check it out.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Boom Shilaka laka

In the olden days...
"Boom shilaka laka" was mine n my bff's trademark saying. We had a dance and hand shake that went to something like what this song sounds like lol. It's soo funny to hear it in this song.. reminds me of the good ol' days lol.

Boom is a great song by Anjulie- it has a very Pink Panther, 60's feel. It's so psychadelic.. I love this funky shitz.

I'm Tired

So I pulled an all nighter yesterday...
I think it was my true first nighter of this year.
I was studying for ecotox while completing a lab report.

Long story short, I finished the lab report, all 22 pages, at 7am which was perfect considering I still had an hour to get ready and then leave for school. The report was due at 9am. I was ahead of schedule.. the bus was on time.. the subway was running smoothly.. BUT then outta nowhere on Lansdowne station the subway comes to a halt n the next thing I know it's 9am and I am standing outside on Bloor waiting for a shuttle bus. Great! the report is due in 30 seconds... so I called the prof, no answer, I called another prof no answer.. gawsh. Perfect start to a beautiful day!

Luckily I met a frnd from my program who was in the same position.. stranded and desperate to get to class.. so we decided to walk from Lansdowne and hop on a shuttle bus when we saw one. From Lansdowne to Bathurst we walked and only one shuttle bus passed! At this point a cop saw us walking and told us the subway was back in service.. oh wow. We got to school at 10:30.. and luckily I wasn't penalized for lateness.

The time from 10:30 to noon went by so slow : We had six experiments to conduct today.. and I was desperate to leave so I could study for my midterm at 2pm. On a happy note, I got perfect on a quiz.. which I thought was a lil unfair haha.. cuz I felt like I based it on very good BS.
Neways, from noon to 2pm- ThankGawsh my frnd had set up a study group.. cuz it helped keep me awake and helped me review all my shit.

2pm.. time of the exam. I wrote my ass off.

4pm.. end of exam. Time to go home.

Going home was another fuken mission> this time the subway signals from OldMill to Kipling were lost and they were letting ppl off at Dundas West from every second train, so that those trains can head back in the opposite direction. Meanwhile we all sat in the dark tunnel for 15 minutes, waiting for our turn to go through the tunnel (cuz the trains were being led through the tunnels one by one so they wouldn't crash). How do I know all this?> cuz of the very funny, very charming (or so he seemed for those 15 minutes) subway operator.. who explained everything to us. Thank goodness for ppl like him!

Aneways, wtf am I doing still writing. It's an addiction, I suppose. I need some sleep.
Better Days,


Monday, March 2, 2009

The Hurricane

The dialogue between Rubin "Hurricane" Carter and Lesra Martin from the movie "The Hurricane", 1999. The movie is based on a true story; a black boxer serving a sentence for something he did not do, a triple murder that was patched up by the New Jersey Police. The book, "The Sixteenth Round" was written by Rubin Carter in 1973; Carter was released in 1985.

-You see 'em much, your folks?

Yeah, but sometimes it's hard though. Yeah, well-

-Yeah, it's hard. You give them hope.

Yeah, I guess.

-You do. You give 'em hope because you have transcended, Lesra. It is very important to transcend the places that hold us. You know that? You've learned to read. You've learned to write. Writing is- It's magic. You feel that sometimes?

Yeah, I guess I do. Mm-hmm.

-When I started writing, I discovered that I was doing more than just telling a story.
See, writing is a weapon, and it's more powerful than a fist can ever be. Every time I sat down to write, I could rise above the walls of this prison. I could look out over the walls all across the state of New Jersey, and I could see Nelson Mandela in his cell writing his book. I could see Huey. I could see Dostoyevsky. I could see Victor Hugo, Emile Zola. And they would say to me, "Rube, what you doin' in there?" And I say, "Hey, I know all you guys."
It's magic, Lesra.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Never Forgotten..

Phil Collins.. and the best drum-work evah!
The best part is @ time 3:40. This is from his farewell tour.. thus, the slow intro. Even so, the song is apparently based upon a tragedy he experienced as a child (his friend was drowning.. he called a man walking by for help but he refused to help b/c he thought the kids were joking). Wow =( =

I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord
Ive been waiting for this moment, all my life, oh lord
Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord, oh lord

Well, if you told me you were drowning
I would not lend a hand
Ive seen your face before my friend
But I dont know if you know who I am
Well, I was there and I saw what you did
I saw it with my own two eyes
So you can wipe off the grin, I know where youve been
Its all been a pack of lies

And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord
Ive been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh lord
I can feel it in the air tonight, oh lord, oh lord
And Ive been waiting for this moment all my life, oh lord, oh lord

Well I remember, I remember dont worry
How could I ever forget, its the first time, the last time we ever met
But I know the reason why you keep your silence up, no you dont fool me
The hurt doesnt show; but the pain still grows
Its no stranger to you or me

TINA! ! !

There has to be a re-make of this song!
It is soo good.. but needs a more modern and a little faster beat. But not so modern as to kill the classic, of course.

P.S- I love her dress at beginning and end of the video.. hmmm gunna try to find one like it lol.. So nice and sweet; yet edgy and casual.. and it sways!

Never Again- The Midway State

This song has been out for a while.. but no matter how overplayed it is, I can never get bored of it!

It's got some seriously catchy beat but I love how its soulful at the same time!

These cool dudes are Canadian.. and I love the fact that the video was filled in T.O> The Dundas Square.. and a subway station. I'm thinking its Bay Station; but the usually white walls look very dirty in this video. What if.. it's one of those myths. You know.. the myth of T.O having about 3-4 abandoned stations. It's a possiblity... if so, bring them back haha! How awesome would that be?.. a horror movie waiting to happen!

Hey you surround me like a blanket in my bed,
The look in your eyes has stayed inside me,
In my head,
Outside its snowing its odd for this time of year,
Your light through the darkness,
Getting smaller oh I fear,

Love love pulled us down in the gutter,
Can you see us getting out oh i wonder,
It's a long long lonely fight down inside me,
Can I get you to bring back light or is this never again,

Hey you’re my weakness,
Still my lover in my mind,
And you still control me,
Summer I put you so high,
Hey did you forget you could never get enough,
Well I’ll always love you,
No matter how far you run,

Love, love pulled us down in the gutter,
Can you see us getting out oh I wonder,
It's a long, long lonely fight down inside me,
Can I get you to bring back light or is this never again,

There is a lover down inside all of our gates that we cant protect, forever cause,
He’s sucking at the air from our lips,
I felt him tremble when I first picked you up driving honey,
We drove for hours I remember when I first let him kiss,
You and your mouth the taste of love if filled me up to the tips,

I couldn't sleep for weeks,
fevered at one hundred and six,
You surround me like a blanket in my bed,

[Chorus;; X2]
Love, love pulled us down in the gutter,
Can you see us getting out oh I wonder,
It's a long, long lonely fight down inside me,
Can I get you to bring back light or is this never again.


[The Intonation]

Sunshine today,
Rain tommorrow.
You laugh all day,
secretly, cry in sorrow.

The sun shines bright
Your mind is soaring.
Dim moon in the night
Uniformity is calling.


Time goes about
waiting for no one.
...you want to catch up?
...just try to hitch on.

Renewal of yourself.
Renewal of your soul.
Change is benevolent
for inner peace, control


Every bright morning sun
Every bird's twitter
Every child's laughter
Every stranger's smile
Every compassionate word
Every ounce of love...

Direction: a blast of a sun's ray,
Enlightenment, fulfillment
Worry abolished
Compassion found, You are found.