Monday, August 25, 2008

With School Just Around the Corner..

Why can't it be like this anymore? ^^

Happy faces, one teacher, one classroom!

School is just around the corner and already I feel a bit of pressure. I've been caught with schedule errors, course errors.. grrr.. but better to fix all the problems early before it's too late!

This week is my prepare for school week. Ive been re-organizing my room- painting, cleaning, and adding new doodads. It doesn't feel like the summer holidays are over.. the weather is getting warmer with every passing day... and we start so early too! September :P

School, I love it and hate it.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I See Him in the Night

I see him in the night.

In the dark blue sky,
lightly freckled with stars.

They shine, illuminating the darkness.
Each one an opportunity within, to grasp.

For when I see him there, the light,
satisfaction fills me.
I know we have that thing in common.

I see him there
and my world is unshaken when he is gone.
I love him for that.

Realization that I am strong,
worry is small and limited.
Life goes on, revolves around my own- my Self.

I am independent.
I need no one but myself to succeed.

I need nothing but the stars to catch my gaze
and trap me in the remembrance of ourselves.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Used Books? Why Not?

One man's junk is another man's treasure.

I was walking through a nice High Park neighbourhood and what I noticed was the amount of used bookstores in the area. Some were more prestigious looking than others. The others were cleanly kept, down to earth-type shops. I made an effort to go into as many as I could to feed my interest and curiosity. Throughout my journey, a thing I noticed was the love of books the owners of the shops contained. This was evident by the amount of knowledge they had on every piece of writing. I went into one store and asked for a book on poetry. The man led me to the "poetry section", a rather small dark brown book shelf, and began talking about the most popular works, popular poets, and why he chose to sell some books over others. I left that shop with a type of awe.. these stores are definately not your Indigo or Chapter stores.. where the service is, meh, arranged by computer catologues. Here I was presented with many insights, person to person, of what I was interested in. Another bonus were the cheap prices! Bargain prices! and honestly the books were in tip top shape!

I'm on the verge of starting a trend: used books! cheap prices! bargain-a-paloozeeee!

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Higher Your Pumps, The Better Your.. Sex?

At last a positive light for the pump!

Sexy shoes= sexy legs! Who would have guessed :P

However there is more behind a good pair of shoes than their obvious gift of sex appeal to even the shortest, stoutiest legs :)

It has recently been proven by an Italian urologist that the higher the heel you wear the greater exercise you give your floor pelvic muscles! ..which only leads to one thing.. a boost to the sex life! (better strength n ability to contract).

The study which included 66 women also provided information that placing the foot at a 15 degree angle (a two inch heel) does not alter the posture of a woman. A woman wearing flats also showed less electrical activity in the pelvic muscles.


Jane Does Not Fail to Amuse!

"The more I know of the world, the more I am convinced that I shall never see a man whom I can really love"- Marianne Dashwood.

I am on the verge of finishing yet another Jane Austin classic, "Sense and Sensibility", and as the title of this post suggests- it is quite entertaining!
*Small Spoiler:
After the death of their father and the loss of their estate (to their estranged brother), Mrs. Dashwood with her two daughters Marianne and Elinor accept an offer to leave the city and reside in a country cottage. Upon their arrival they are drawn to many social events by their close friends who constantly keep them entertained. Marianne, the younger and more spirited sister, falls head over heels with John Whiloughby, a young man who saved her from a (somewhat) damgerous fall. Their friendship and affection towards eachother grows. Everything is flowing perfectly (the dude even shows Marianne his estate, where "they will live when they get married"). In short, they are seriously in love. But this being a romantic, heart quenching novel, things can not stay this perfect! The young man suddenly claims he has to leave town and leaves the girl in a heartless manner. It was suspected that his mother opposed the connection ($$) and sent him to town as quick as possible. At the same time of this occurrence, the older sister, Elinor, left the city with regret for she left behind her beau, Edward Ferrars. However, with the constant social gatherings and introductions to new men, she quickly loses affection for him. The novel continues with a plot not suspected by the reader. Both sisters are deceived by their men. The story contains twists and turns, mistakes, false accusations, and assumptions based on rumours which are spread by inacurate sources. The whole story is a fun and romantic mess! It follows the emotions of the characters, those that are commonly experienced in a relationship.
I highly recommend this novel- a read that will take you back to the civility of the ladies and gentlemen of the 18th century.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Beautiful Sydney

Aussie Aussie Aussie! Oi! Oi! Oi!

I am back from Australia!

I had the time of my life in the Southern Hemisphere!
I envy all the Aussie's.. their country is beautiful =)
I'll gladly jump at any opportunity to go back!

**Best chillin spot in Sydney= Jackson's on George! (bar/club/lounge) We were there every night.. it was freakin sicckk. I wish we had a spot like that in T.O.. or maybe we do but I haven't found it yet lol.

Here is a short plick of the cruise I went on in Sydney.