A blog that embraces the expressions of simple, everyday situations and emotions that are often ignored and deemed ritualistic. It serves as my escape from the hectic reality of life- my euphoria. Created for the purpose of opening the mind and heart- enjoy this rather small piece of the web; the window to my universe.
It is believed that mineral waters help furnish elements for body metabolism. However, there is scientific proof that suggests that majority of these minerals are in an inorganic (dead) form. Although they can enter circulation, they can not b used in physio processes - building of the human cell.
Mineral water may give "dead" minerals to the body which can not be properly assimiliated.
The body's needs for minerals is largely met through foods, not drinking water- The American Medical Journal
The organic minerals in tap water represent only 1% of the total mineral content of the water.
One glass of orange juice contains more beneficial minerals than thirty gallons of of untreated tap water.
Better left unspoken But the heart quenches for the truth
My heart, the windows you provided me with are now broken I thought I found smtn, serenity, youth
My dear friend I'm torn by your shatter n losses I'm torn and deeply feel for you I will be here and provide a lending hand I understand, I was once there, I will be true
Anything I say can't ammend for what it is you feel
Love this kind of rock.. don't know what to name it.. but this song, created maybe 10yrs ago is very KOL.. and I love Kings of Leon lol. It has a slow-like intro but it builds as she gets more agitated, more stronger. The singer, Agnieszka Chylinska, was very metal back then but now she's more rocky/pop. I love her either way- one of the many talented Polish singers (she's one of the judges on "Poland's Got Talent" lol). Powerful words to this music as well.. I'll try my best to translate.
Crying towards empty walls, how embarassing. I was with someone for some time, it's not important anymore. Feelin' that around me, noone is capable to love. Feelin' that it's always gonna be this way.
Moving towards your embrace, but I don't feel anything. I'm scared to feel something It hurts, I know.
I am alone, that's my loss. I'm unloved, that's my loss.
I can't love because, I am weak if I do. I don't think about myself an I lose myself. I give everything but I don't have anything. Again he loves me, another stranger.
I am alone, that's my loss. I'm unloved, that's my loss. Maybe you're knocking on my door But tell me why I can't hear anything.
I'm not gunna lie directly to my face I'm not gunna tear myself apart. I'm sorry that I loved you. I know. I know.